Empower It Forward

Written by yudha

Empower It Forward ---------------------------------------- Now here's a suggestion for using this Pay It Forward action plan to start or expand your Empowerism business:

Invite people to take a look at your Empowerism website and then:

-give them your $20 Fast Start Bonus (paid within 1 week) for signing up under you.

-give them another $4.95 when they pay their subscription on repparttar second month.

-tell them that instead of paying you back, they have to Pay It Forward and do what you just did for at least 3 people. Once they have helped their 3 people to join Empowerism, they will have their monthly fee covered and be $1.05 per month in profit.

You help them get their business started by:

-rebating 80% of their 1st month's fee ($20 of $24.95) -rebating 25% of their 2nd months fee ($4.95 of $19.95) -showing them this easy Pay It Forward action plan so they can do exactly what you did

While helping them, you also help yourself. For each person that you help, you will gain a $2.05 profit inrepparttar 103108 2nd month, plus a $7 per month residual income after that. And for each person that they bring in when they Pay It Forward, you earn an additional $1 per month (starting their 2nd month).

-------------------------------------------------- How does this work? --------------------------------------------------

The strength ofrepparttar 103109 Empowerism compensation plan makes this possible. You earn income in Empowerism 3 ways:

-You'll earn $1.00 per month on every subscription renewal in your matrix (the group of people that grows as those that you have helped begin to help their 3, who each help their 3, which has 29,523 available positions.

-Every time your personally sponsored members renew their subscriptions, you earn a $6 bonus (in addition torepparttar 103110 $1.00 for them being in your matrix)!

-Every time you sponsor someone who buys an Empowerism subscription, you'll receive a $20.00 FastStart Bonusrepparttar 103111 following Monday which you refund to your personal referral! PLUS, they'll deposit 50 fresh opt-in leads into your auto-responder!

So if you work this out, after you personally help just 3 people to join Empowerism - you will not only coverrepparttar 103112 cost of your own subscription each month they renew, you will be $1.05 in profit.

Then afterrepparttar 103113 3 people that you helped Pay It Forward, you will be receiving $9 more income per month. Also, you don't have to stop after you have helped your 3 people, help even more and watch your business grow even faster!

-------------------------------------------------- This Sounds Great, But What is Empowerism? --------------------------------------------------

Empowerism is a business program that gives you advanced internet marketing training and success mentoring. It's an outstanding supplement to any other online business that you may have (as well as a great business all by itself).

Successful internet marketing is much more than just handing you a web site and an autoresponder and then wishing you luck. However, most people don't haverepparttar 103114 time orrepparttar 103115 skills to provide a comprehensive internet marketing education to their downline. You and your business partners will receive affordable and high-quality training and tools to go beyondrepparttar 103116 basics.

Customers - What They Really Want - 6 Secrets of Customer

Written by Alan Fairweather

What customers really want can be divided into two areas. Firstly - they wantrepparttar core service of your business to meet their needs. They expect your product or service to work. If you say you're a plumber, thenrepparttar 103107 customer expects you to fix their leaking pipe. If you say you're an accountant, then they expect you to resolve their tax details.

They also expect your product or service to represent value for money. If I buy an expensive pair of winter boots I expect them to keep outrepparttar 103108 cold and wet and also look good. Naturally if I was to buy a cheaper pair I wouldn't expect them to last as long. Customers expect your after-sales service to be efficient. If my new winter boots start to leak when I wear them forrepparttar 103109 first time, then I expectrepparttar 103110 shop to replace them immediately.

However, none of this will make customers loyal or cause them to tell others how good you are. They take this core service as a given. You wouldn't see me running around telling people that my new winter books didn't leak. This isrepparttar 103111 Second and most important point -

What customers really - really - really want and what will make them loyal to your business and say wonderful things about you to other people are:

1 Warm and friendly responses - When customers make contact with you face to face or overrepparttar 103112 telephone, they want a warm response. It can still be businesslike but you and your people need to look and sound - friendly and likeable.

(This may all sound like common sense to you but think about these factorsrepparttar 103113 next time you're a customer and ask yourself if the're happening to you. Then ask yourself if your customers or clients are experiencing this from you and your people)

2 They want to feel important - They know that you have lots of other customers and clients but they just love it when you make them feel special.

3 They want to be listened to - Customers often getrepparttar 103114 impression thatrepparttar 103115 person dealing with them is not really listening. You must keep working on your listening skills. Keep good eye contact with people and concentrate on what they're saying. Keep and open mind and resistrepparttar 103116 temptation to jump in with an answer. It's also important to show that you're listening. Open body language and head nods when face to face - lots of Uh - Hu's when overrepparttar 103117 phone.

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