Employer’s Quick Guide to Avoiding Sexual Harassment Liability

Written by Myron Curry

Employers can be held liable for any sexual harassment that occurs inrepparttar workplace. However, if they take reasonable care to prevent and correct harassment, they will not be liable. The following article looks atrepparttar 103823 elements of reasonable care that will greatly reducerepparttar 103824 risk of sexual harassment liability.

Written Policy. The policy should explain what sexual harassment is. It should give a variety of examples that make it clear that sexual harassment can take many different forms: unwanted physical contact; efforts to trade sex for employment-related benefits; lewd language or offensive jokes, pictures, drawings, or graffiti; or any combination. It should explain thatrepparttar 103825 harasser’s intent does not determine whetherrepparttar 103826 conduct is sexual harassment. Whether behavior is sexual harassment depends on howrepparttar 103827 victim experiences it, not whetherrepparttar 103828 perpetrator intended to harass. It should state that male and female workers can be victims of sexual harassment by harassers of either gender.

The policy should be written in a way that will communicate well and be understood byrepparttar 103829 average worker. It should avoid legal jargon. It should be translated into languages other than English if there are workers whose command of English is deficient.

Complaint Procedure and Penalties. The policy should tell workers: how to file a complaint, providing model complaint forms; where to file a complaint, identifying several persons on staff designated to receive complaints. It should explain what happens duringrepparttar 103830 investigation and what happens afterrepparttar 103831 investigation, identifying who is responsible for makingrepparttar 103832 final determination of whether sexual harassment occurred; whatrepparttar 103833 possible penalties are, as well as who imposes penalties for sexual harassment and whetherrepparttar 103834 complaining party hasrepparttar 103835 right to know what penaltyrepparttar 103836 employer has decided to impose; and how to appealrepparttar 103837 employer’s findings.

Retaliation. The policy should strongly prohibit retaliation, giving examples of what retaliation is. It should state that retaliation against complaining parties or witnesses will be taken as seriously as harassment itself.

Fairness and Safeguards. The policy should protectrepparttar 103838 rights of all persons involved. It should assure confidentiality torepparttar 103839 extent possible.

Publicizingrepparttar 103840 Policy. It’s no good to have a written policy if employees can later claim they never saw it. Each new hire should be given a copy ofrepparttar 103841 policy and sign a receipt stating he or she has read and understands it. But too many employers leave it at that. If you want employees to rememberrepparttar 103842 policy and to understand that you are serious about it, there must be ongoing exposure. Make available a brochure or pamphlet that summarizesrepparttar 103843 policy.

8 Tips to Save on Long Distance Calling

Written by Raymond A. Klesc

You don't have to spend a small fortune on your telephone bill every month. Here are some tips you can implement to stretch your pennies and keep your budget reasonable and start saving today.

•Whenever possible selectrepparttar right time to make your call: Determine your current calling patterns and whenever possible make your calls duringrepparttar 103822 evening hours or duringrepparttar 103823 weekends. By changing your calling pattern you could reduce your long distance charges significantly.

•Select a plan withrepparttar 103824 smallest billing increment available: Whenever possible you should select a long distance billing plan withrepparttar 103825 lowest billing increments. The smallerrepparttar 103826 billing incrementrepparttar 103827 cheaperrepparttar 103828 overall price. Some plans offer a 6 second billing increments, which will save you big money compared to plans that roundrepparttar 103829 call up to a whole minute.

•Use our web site to compare carriers and plans. You should compare several different long distance providers before you make your selection. You will then be able to make an informed decision to determine which carrier offersrepparttar 103830 least expensive plan for your calling habits and geographic location. Use our "Best Rate Calculator" to obtain a detailed analysis of your calling patterns andrepparttar 103831 lowest domestic and international long distance rates available in your area.

•When should you subscribe to a long distance calling plan: You should consider subscribing to a long distance calling plan if you make more than a few long distance calls each month. By checking with different carriers through our web site you will be able to compare plans and select one that more closely matches your needs and budget.

•Whatever you do, do not use a long distance operator: Using a long distance operator can cost you dearly. You should call direct whenever possible. Using a long distance calling plan will save you even more.

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