Emotional Intelligence: The Geek We Know & Love

Written by Brenda Smith, EQ Coach

Love & EQ--The "Geek" we all love.... You know one...you might have one working for you....you may even be in love with one...or, maybe you is one.... Affectionately, we call them geeks, nerds or techies. Yet, any of us can fall into this category when we're stressed, spending too much time in our heads and particularly inrepparttar left hemisphere of our brains. While left-brain dominant people are often eccentric, they are typically linear, logical and rationale. They are efficient. To be in love, efficiency gives way to effectiveness. It happens torepparttar 106317 best of us--- wanting to be good parents, partners, colleagues and friends, yet, mired in memos and meetings, spreadsheets and stock returns or bits and bytes. The business of life is about relationship; and relationship is less about IQ and more about EQ--our emotional intelligence.

Men and women are different (like you needed me to tell you). But across all genders, and throughout all primitive or civilized cultures, one thing remainsrepparttar 106318 same--the meaning of emotion. We all have them, though many of us ignore them. High acheivers, so adept at focusing keen attention, have often dispensed with them. Today, we can't ignore them--they contribute up to 96% to our success--and they're their back in style. These leaky, renegade impulses that seem so out of control are a resource we can tap into to makerepparttar 106319 right decisions, raise capital, makerepparttar 106320 sale, getrepparttar 106321 girl (or guy) and feel fulfilled. Good gut can be yours...all you need is to pay attention to that queasy feeling in your stomach,repparttar 106322 tension in your neck,repparttar 106323 fatigue from your job. Listen. Paying attention to what (and who) energizes you and what (and who) discourages you means your emotional sentinels are attuned to information your well-conditioned mind is missing.

Love &repparttar 106324 Addictive Society

Americans consume 5 billion tranquilizers and 16,000 tons of aspirin each year. Thirty-one percent ofrepparttar 106325 population is chronically depressed and 79% want to quit their jobs and live offrepparttar 106326 land. Why? Because there's not enough love and too many substitutes for it. We want connection. We want to be valued and validated. And when we don't get it we buy things, eat things, wear things, do and use things to give us what we really want--love. Love is nothing more than giving to another, and allowing them to be seen, heard and appreciated for who they are. Can't we make a little space in ourselves for others--and their differences-- to enter?

A Balanced Heart...Outer space or Inner space?

Most of us have far too much to do and too little time. We spend so much time thinking that our center of gravity has risen from our solar plexus up and into our heads. We're off center because we're a-head of ourselves. How can we give anything to another when we're depleted and malnourished? Rather than be defeated by stress, userepparttar 106327 creative tension to put more balance into your life. Balance is not about time management ; it is not about doing more, but in "be"-ing more. It is holdingrepparttar 106328 center between making things happen (doing) and allowing things to happen (being); it is leavingrepparttar 106329 intellect and heading forrepparttar 106330 heart. Take thirty seconds during a stressful moment and follow this SOS--STOP what you're doing---OXEGENATE by taking three deep breaths into your body---SEEK APPRECIATION by recalling an event that was loving and peaceful, bringing your attention to your heart area---SEEK ADDITIONAL INFORMATION from your heart and ask, what isrepparttar 106331 best course of action in this situation.

Too Busy? Take a Vacation.

Written by Tim Fulton

Too Busy? Take a Vacation.

Do you know whatrepparttar most productive day ofrepparttar 106316 year is forrepparttar 106317 typical business owner or manager?

Mondays? Maybe for some. Pay day? No. Labor Day? Just kidding…

It’srepparttar 106318 day before you take vacation. This little known fact has actually been researched and documented. Why is this so?

I just returned from my family’s vacation week atrepparttar 106319 beach. I had my fill of fast food, sun tan lotion, and long walks onrepparttar 106320 beach. Several days before our departure, I honestly never thought I would finishrepparttar 106321 work that had stacked up on my desk. Proposals to complete. Projects to finish. Phone calls to make. Post-it reminders all over my desk threatening to take my entire workspace hostage.

Than it happened. All week I had made considerable progress on my work but I was certain that I would end up stuffing my briefcase with leftover work and dragging it torepparttar 106322 beach for it’s completion. When I woke uprepparttar 106323 day before our departure, I was like a man possessed. I started off taking an inventory of every task I needed to finish byrepparttar 106324 end ofrepparttar 106325 day. Next, I wrote an action plan forrepparttar 106326 day listing each task and estimatingrepparttar 106327 time needed for completion. I than prioritizedrepparttar 106328 list based on each task’s relative importance. I also grouped activities byrepparttar 106329 type of technology necessary for completion i.e. telephone, computer, automobile. There was not a second to waste.

I even found myself tackling several tasks I had procrastinated on for weeks. It just seemed to make sense to tie up allrepparttar 106330 loose ends. I also made several new and follow-up client contacts that I had been too easily putting off for way too long. Each ofrepparttar 106331 calls were very productive. Why had I been putting off these inquiries?

I actually finished all of my tasks by mid-afternoon. I had time to spare. Time to pack and begin lugging out all ofrepparttar 106332 beach paraphernalia. These chairs and buckets seem to multiply like jackrabbits each year.

What is it about going away on vacation that creates such a mentality of urgency? For me, I believe it is due to several factors: 1.Not wanting to take work with me on vacation. 2.A concern that I may never return from vacation (I draw a mental picture of Jaws) andrepparttar 106333 desire to make sure all of my pending tasks are either completed or on schedule. 3.A strong desire to leave town on a very positive note. Projects completed. Customers contacted. Fires extinguished. 4.A strong desire not to return from vacation on a negative note. Projects behind schedule. Clients complaining. Numerous four-alarm fires.

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