Emerge From Your Cocoon

Written by Virginia Reeves


What kind of picture did you just visualize fromrepparttar title of this article? Did you seerepparttar 123789 final product flying and alight upon a flower? Did you seerepparttar 123790 intricate pattern onrepparttar 123791 wings? Did you smile as you thought aboutrepparttar 123792 times when you've watched this delicate and lovely creation testing many different opportunities for nectar and then moving on to discover even more delectable treats just aroundrepparttar 123793 corner? Through this analogy ofrepparttar 123794 growth of a cute, fuzzy bug into one of nature's most delightful creations I hope to awaken you from a slumber period you might be experiencing in some part of your life.

Yes, at times we need to be securely wrapped up in order to then slowly crawl out and spread our wings. Unfortunately, many of us stay tightly secured in our safety zone (cocoon) as it is a known factor, uncomfortable as it may be. I know there are areas in my life where this applies. I realize that breaking free would be beneficial but for various reasons I don't musterrepparttar 123795 necessary muscle to burst through to show off my colors.

Each year, people have dreams, make resolutions, and set goals. Perhaps you've said something torepparttar 123796 effect of: What I don't know I will no longer allow to intimidate me. I will instead view it as an opportunity. Maybe you even added thoughts such as: I won't be shackled by my yesterday's,repparttar 123797 could have been's, I should have done's, or why didn't I do that. The past is unimportant except thatrepparttar 123798 events and outcomes are lessons to be learned. Today is what countsrepparttar 123799 most with a can-do outlook for tomorrow. If so - I'm impressed. And congratulations - you're on your way to achieving more success in your life.

But even without such uplifting attitudes and motivational thoughts - you too will make progress, as long as you keep struggling againstrepparttar 123800 mostly self-imposed restraints you see as roadblocks. Remember that each person develops at his or her own pace. You cannot hurry growth; you can only make room for it and thereby encourage it to take place. By letting go of hurts, other peoples expectations of you, and feelings of inadequacy can you take a major leap intorepparttar 123801 bigger world known as freedom.

We may actually place a lid on our potential in order to conform to a mental blueprint;repparttar 123802 so-called self-image. The biggest "con" in confidence isrepparttar 123803 label you put on yourself (or allow others to bestow upon you) as you limit what you will attempt. To live up to your success potential, allow yourself to try something new on a regular basis. This can be work or play related - it makes no difference. The important thing isrepparttar 123804 willingness to rewrite your script. Try some personal propaganda by reversingrepparttar 123805 negative, self-defeating statements you might make about yourself. Exploitrepparttar 123806 principle used in advertising campaigns. Repetition of a message drives it home unconsciously so that it becomes a subjective truth of your belief system. Imagine how barren our world would be ifrepparttar 123807 encapsulated caterpillar didn't push against its barrier to emerge into something bigger and better than its original self.

What Are You Planning to Achieve by The End of The Year?

Written by Wendy Hearn

Fast forward yourself torepparttar end of December and asrepparttar 123788 year closes, how are you feeling about your achievements during this past year? Really get in touch with your feelings, live them, breathe them and don't let them pass by. Are you feeling any disappointment, regret or frustration forrepparttar 123789 things you haven't done or achieved? Do you find yourself thinking, "This past year has flown by and what have I done", "There is so much more that I wanted to do" or "Why haven't I donerepparttar 123790 things that I'd said I'd do".

Now bring yourself back to today. You still have time beforerepparttar 123791 end ofrepparttar 123792 year to get on a track to achieving what you want. Imagine startingrepparttar 123793 New Year knowing that you've been consistently moving inrepparttar 123794 right direction and will continue to takerepparttar 123795 necessary actions.

Lack of planning is one ofrepparttar 123796 reasons why many people get torepparttar 123797 end ofrepparttar 123798 year and feel they haven't achieved what they want. Planning often isn't seen as a priority or much fun. Hold on! If it's not fun, that'srepparttar 123799 way you've chosen it to be. Instead you can choose to have fun with your planning and perhaps even make it into a game. If planning isn't a priority for you, then have you consideredrepparttar 123800 messages that you're giving to yourself. Messages such as, "I'm not that important in my life", "I don't deserve these things" or "I'm not likely to do what I say I will".

However,repparttar 123801 people who do have plans often make them too rigid. Their plan is stuck to word for word, without any room for flexibility. A plan that you set today needs to be open to regular reviewing and changing. A clue that your plan needs changing is when you find it difficult to follow through withrepparttar 123802 actions and don't feel inspired.

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