Embrace It All

Written by Helaine Iris

Embrace It All Helaine Iris © 2003

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by makingrepparttar darkness conscious." C.G. Jung Recently, during a coaching session, a new and frustrated client was struggling with limiting thoughts about herself and her ability to take her business torepparttar 123451 next level. She told me she had been using visualization techniques, attraction principles and meditating onrepparttar 123452 perfect business. She saw in vivid detailrepparttar 123453 exact aspects of what she wanted and dreamed of. Still, after several months her lack luster business was flat and her income barely supported her.

She was truly puzzled at her uninspiring results; she felt she was doing everything right according torepparttar 123454 “spiritual principles” she’d been utilizing and trusting. No wonder she was frustrated.

I got curious about what might be going on and asked about her limiting thoughts. She told me she wanted to explore them, so we did. With much care we turned our attention to her childhood. Together we wondered aboutrepparttar 123455 various messages she received from her family and culture about being a responsible and successful businesswoman. It didn’t take long before she began to uncoverrepparttar 123456 roots of her troubling beliefs.

“Women should stay home and take care of their families. If good happens to me, bad is sure to follow, I’m lazy and can’t do anything right”. These untrue yet deeply accepted beliefs were just a few ofrepparttar 123457 gems she discovered that profoundly shape her. No wonder her business wasn’t thriving.

October - A Month of Personal Harvest

Written by Megan Corwin

October is hands down my favorite month. Every year I look forward to a visit to Lynd's Fruit Farm in Pataskala, Ohio. My husband and I get inrepparttar car on a crisp day and take inrepparttar 123450 leaves displaying their glorious colors as we travelrepparttar 123451 country road. Once we reachrepparttar 123452 farm, I pour through bushel baskets brimming with gourds and Indian corn, wanderrepparttar 123453 pumpkin patch, and pluck ripe apples fromrepparttar 123454 trees. In addition, I reflect uponrepparttar 123455 hard work that was put in months before byrepparttar 123456 Lynd's in anticipation of this one month of autumn abundance.

This month, why not have a personal harvest?

Step 1: Reap

The farmers have been working for months to get their crops in peak condition and are now ready to reap their produce. How satisfying it must be to finally be rewarded with excited children picking outrepparttar 123457 perfect pumpkin for a jack-o-lantern or seeing a family pick their own apples.

Even non-farmers need a time to stop and relish in their successes. Take time to enjoyrepparttar 123458 fruits of your labor. Reflect uponrepparttar 123459 hard work you have put into your life. We can get discouraged when looking at how far we have to go. Instead, look at how far you've come.

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