By Catherine FranzE-mails now have a connection back to their servers. I will leave technical aspects out of this article. Instead, I will walk you through how information from your computer is getting back to them.
You have probably experienced this already, an e-mail lands in your box with many symbols in subject line created with Shift Key plus a Number Key. This is most common one. For example, it may look like this: &*)(*&^%$! Except length of symbols are longer.
When you click on it to delete it, any further action, including deletion of e-mail seems to go into la-la land. In other words, you can do anything else. This may last up to a minute or two depending on your computer speed. You have just been pinged and information is going back to their server saying there is a live connection.
In addition, because symbols change all time, it’s difficult to block them unless you use a program like Spam Arrest.
Here is an easy way and excellent way to protect from this and all you have to do is change way you dial in and out.
If you have a DSL line or any other type Internet connection that is open all time. Control how frequently you allow e-mails to upload into your system. If you use Outlook, you go into Tools, Options, select Mail Delivery tab and change "check messages every" 30, 60 or 90 minutes. This also helps on time management if e-mails are eating up too much of your time.