Eliminating Objections to Increase Sales

Written by Charlie Cook


You want to increaserepparttar flow of sales revenue, but you are stymied by prospects' seemingly endless objections. Prospects say they're not interested. They tell you your price is too high, or this isn'trepparttar 120242 right time. You've heard allrepparttar 120243 objections. What can you do to get rid of these once and for all?

Engineering Your Marketing When I was seven one of my favorite ways to spend a hot summer day with my friends was playing a backyard game we called "waterworks".

We'd use a trowel to construct channels inrepparttar 120244 dirt, putrepparttar 120245 hose at one end and watchrepparttar 120246 water flow. If we wantedrepparttar 120247 water to go straight, we'd remove rocks and debris to clear a path. We became sophisticated engineers, guiding water around corners and across short aqueducts. We felt like masters ofrepparttar 120248 universe, directingrepparttar 120249 water where we wanted it to go. (You can bet my mother loved seeing us come intorepparttar 120250 house atrepparttar 120251 end ofrepparttar 120252 day.)

Plan your marketing to take charge of increasing your sales. Your marketing can lead prospects to your products and servicesrepparttar 120253 way my friends and I engineered our waterworks; by making clear paths and removing obstacles. Channel your prospects' attention and interests and eliminate objections. Below arerepparttar 120254 four most common objections and ways to eliminate them.

Lack of Interest Prospects need to understand what you do before they can become interested in what you have to offer. It is that simple. If you're marketing yourself as a lawyer, coach, accountant or fitness center, you're not telling people why they should be interested. To capture their interest, explainrepparttar 120255 problems you solve from their perspective.

Lack of Leads You want people to email you, call you or go to your web site to buy your products and services. But first you have to motivate them to contact you so you can market to them.

30 Questions To Test Your Marketing Activities

Written by Christopher

Today I want to show you a great way to highlight some instant ways for you to bring in more enquiries, test your activities and get yourself doing something simple at first, in an attempt to trigger that motivation.

The following are 30 suggestions that will immediately pinpoint where your business is doing well – and will help with moitoring it’s progress.

These arerepparttar questions that I ask my clients – and my experience has been that if you are able to spend a few minutes on an advisory email –repparttar 120241 rewards can be quite surprising.

1 Can you tell exactly what it is that sets you apart from your competition?

2 Do you communicaterepparttar 120242 benefits of your product or service in all of your sales copy?

3 Have you done Telesales, and monitoredrepparttar 120243 results?

4 Have you tested Direct Mail to attract new customers? Did you accurately measure those results?

5 Do you Thank your customers for their custom?

6 Are your adsrepparttar 120244 Direct Response variety?

7 Do you advertise inrepparttar 120245 same publications as your competitors?

8 When you speak to a potential new customer, do you use go overboard onrepparttar 120246 sales copy?

9 Do you revisit existing customer accounts?

10 Have you tested Web Advertising yet?

11 Do you send regular email communications to your customers and prospects?

12 How many training courses or qualifications did you pass last year? Do you impress Clients?

13 Do you suffer from Work Overload?

14 Do you set up an ongoing communication with qualified leads consisting of phone calls, letters and emails?

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