Eliminate Redundancies for Fat Free Writing

Written by Linda Elizabeth Alexander

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Eliminate Redundancies for Fat Free Writing ©2002 By Linda Elizabeth Alexander

Engaging writing is concise. How many times have we been told to "write tight" (be concise) rather than verbosely? The following are a mere 25 examples of redundant phrases. When used properly, alternatives to these phrases can cut much ofrepparttar 129401 fat out of your business communication, leaving it leaner, tighter, and less verbose.

The Writer's Dilemma: Should You Write For Free?

Written by Angela Booth

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Summary: If you're a professional writer, it goes againstrepparttar 129395 grain to write for free. But it may just berepparttar 129396 best move you ever made.

Total words: 850

Category: Writing

The Writer's Dilemma: Should You Write For Free?

Copyright (c) 2002 by Angela Booth

If you're a professional writer, should you ever write for free? I used to be adamant that that way lies madness. However, I've changed my mind. Sort of.

I still believe that if you're writing for a major publication which accepts advertising, you should be paid, and paid well. If a magazine, newspaper or Web site charges thousands of dollars for advertising, they can afford to payrepparttar 129397 writer forrepparttar 129398 content which deliversrepparttar 129399 eyeballs to that advertising. Without writers, there would be no advertising, andrepparttar 129400 publication wouldn't exist.

However, there are problems.

=> The problems with paying writers' markets

Here are several ofrepparttar 129401 problems I've identified:

* Declining pay rates for writers. If you write for major magazines, you know that you're getting paid less today than you were inrepparttar 129402 eighties.

* Stiff competition. You send your query in, and never hear. This is understandable. Major magazines receive hundreds of queries every week. If they replied to them all,repparttar 129403 staff would never get anything else done.

* Editor churn. Even ten years ago, if you sold to a major magazine, you formed a relationship withrepparttar 129404 editor. You sold her other pieces overrepparttar 129405 next year or two. Nowadays you're lucky ifrepparttar 129406 editor is still withrepparttar 129407 magazine whenrepparttar 129408 issue with your article in it hitsrepparttar 129409 newsstands.

* Slow payment in tough times. Even with pay on acceptance markets, you may wait months for your check.

* Wasting time. You can spend days wracking your brain and researching, to findrepparttar 129410 perfect story for a particular market, and then receiverepparttar 129411 reply, thanks, but: "We're running a story on that in our next issue" or "We've just signed a writer for that".

What'srepparttar 129412 upshot of all these problems? If you can't standrepparttar 129413 heat, get out ofrepparttar 129414 kitchen. I've turned to copywriting, that is, writing for businesses, rather than put up withrepparttar 129415 hassles of writing for magazines.

=> The benefits of writing for free

It makes sense to write for free if you're being paid in other ways.

For example, as promotion. My sister and I have just partnered in a new Web site Digital-e --- Info to Go:

http://www.digital-e.biz/ .

I've been happily writing articles to promoterepparttar 129416 site for a few weeks now. I send my articles out far and wide and hope that ezine editors and Web site owners will publish them for free. It's not really writing for free, it's quid pro quo because in exchange for using my articles,repparttar 129417 publications include my Resource Box, which includes a link to my site.

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