Elements of Successful Trading

Written by Rob Hall

Tradingrepparttar stock or commodities markets provides an opportunity for ordinary people to accumulate extraordinary wealth.

Trading is not difficult to learn and many consider this to berepparttar 100507 ultimate home business.

Trading is a business that allows you to take control of your financial well being. However, if you are going to be a trader of stocks or commoditiesrepparttar 100508 following elements are essential to your success.

Mastering these elements will not ensure your success, because there are other factors that influence markets that cannot be covered in this article, but if you don’t master these elements you will ensure failure.

1) Money Management

Money management is takingrepparttar 100509 necessary steps to protect your capital, at all times.

It means knowing when to get out of a trade that is not going your way.

It means only trading an amount you can afford.

It means you do not fall in love with a trade so you are stuck with it no matter it does.

It also means knowing when to leave a market with a profit.

Money management allows you to stay inrepparttar 100510 markets so you can profit handsomely from proper trading techniques.

The Difference Between Investing and Trading

Written by Rob Hall

Investing and Trading are notrepparttar same thing. The returns you seek,repparttar 100506 length of time it takes to achieve those returns,repparttar 100507 amount of risk one is prepared to take, andrepparttar 100508 commitment one can make to monitor repparttar 100509 investments dictaterepparttar 100510 strategy of whether to invest or trade.


Investing is holding an asset for a longer term, expecting it to increase in value. The most common example is investing in equity mutual funds through a retirement plan. Many of these funds are held for years and are expected to show a substantial appreciation overrepparttar 100511 long term.

You can also invest in individual stocks and hold them for 6 to 18 months or longer, sometimes much longer. This is referred to asrepparttar 100512 "buy and hold" strategy.

Real estate would be another example of investing, unlessrepparttar 100513 property is purchased for quick flipping.

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