Effective Meetings by Phone - Part 1, How to Plan a Teleconference

Written by Steve Kaye

Teleconferences can be a boon or a bust. Onrepparttar positive side, they allow people at different locations to attend meetings without having to travel. Onrepparttar 102849 negative side, they can degenerate into frustrating struggles with uncontrolled babble. This occurs because people lack visual contact, which hinders effective communication and provides opportunities to misbehave.

Here's how to set up an effective meeting by phone.

1) Plan a simple meeting. Ideally,repparttar 102850 meeting should last less than 30 to 45 minutes. People are unable to concentrate on long phone calls. They become tired. Their attention drifts. They need to take a break. Design your meeting so that it is short and torepparttar 102851 point. That way everyone can focus onrepparttar 102852 issues and participate effectively.

2) Write out your goal forrepparttar 102853 meeting. Then make sure that this statement truly representsrepparttar 102854 result that you want to have atrepparttar 102855 end ofrepparttar 102856 meeting. Lack of a clear, well-stated goal isrepparttar 102857 second biggest cause of bad meetings. Next check if a teleconference isrepparttar 102858 best way to obtain that goal. Cancelrepparttar 102859 meeting if you can achieverepparttar 102860 goal with any other approach, such as by sending a memo, making a single phone call, or thinking through a solution by yourself.

3) Prepare an agenda. A teleconference without an agenda is like a journey without a map -- inrepparttar 102861 dark. Without an agenda, you will lose control and waste time. Your agenda should includerepparttar 102862 goal forrepparttar 102863 meeting and detailed instructions for each part ofrepparttar 102864 meeting. It should be so complete and specific that someone else could use it to run your meeting.

18 Reasons To Write An E-book And Then Give It Away For F-R-E-E

Written by Eugenijus

1. People will visit your web site to getrepparttar f.ree valuable information.

2. Advertise your products or services inrepparttar 102848 e-book.

3. You will become known as an expert onrepparttar 102849 subject ofrepparttar 102850 e-book.

4. O.fferrepparttar 102851 e-book as a f.ree bonus for purchasing one of your products or services.

5. Allow other people give awayrepparttar 102852 e-book to i.ncrease visitors to your web site.

6. Gain new leads by having people sign up and give their contact information before they can download your e-book.

7. The word "F.REE" isrepparttar 102853 most appealing word onrepparttar 102854 internet.

8. Conduct market research asking people to fill out a survey before gettingrepparttar 102855 e-book.

9. Make m.oney selling advertising space inrepparttar 102856 e-book.

10. Give awayrepparttar 102857 e-book as a special gift to your current customers letting them know you appreciate their business.

11. Gain f.ree advertising by submittingrepparttar 102858 e-book on freebie sites.

12. Make m.oney sellingrepparttar 102859 reprint rights to people who would like to sellrepparttar 102860 e-book.

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