Effective Managers Need To Coach

Written by Wendy Hearn

Bearing in mindrepparttar fast pace of business today andrepparttar 104675 need to stay competitive, it's essential that managers should be effective. They need to be especially effective with their people and this requires learning to coach. For most managers, coaching has been added to their role anyway, butrepparttar 104676 majority haven't received any training in coaching skills. More than 80% of organisations use coaching to develop their staff, but only a fifth train their managers in coaching, according to a survey byrepparttar 104677 Work Foundation. This lack of training can be costly and damaging. It's like putting a complete beginner in a car, telling them to drive and just saying "Good luck". They may have some idea of what to do, but they won't have sound training inrepparttar 104678 skills required. Coaching is a specific set of core competencies and skills, not just a new label to add to what a manager has always done. Managers need training so that they develop those specific skills, know when and how to use them, and have confidence in themselves to coach people. With repparttar 104679 right training, your company will benefit dramatically from this coaching. Benefits such as:

· Improving employee performance to an optimum level · Being a stronger, more productive company · Handling change easily and encouraging growth · Bringing outrepparttar 104680 very best in people and unlocking potential.

You don't want your company to miss out on these benefits, do you?

I invite you to startrepparttar 104681 process of ensuring that your managers have been adequately trained in coaching skills. And not only trained, but most important, they needrepparttar 104682 opportunity to learn, experience and evaluate coaching.

First, they need to understand what coaching is and isn't, and how it's distinct from mentoring, training, counselling or teaching. Without this understanding, they'll be caught inrepparttar 104683 trap of not knowing whether they're coaching or not. They'll need to know at least one coaching model to give them a process and a structure to work with. This givesrepparttar 104684 coaching focus and clarity, and reaches a conclusion with agreed actions. To start with, they'll need a thorough grounding in basic coaching skills such as listening, questioning, evoking, clarifying, requesting, trust and rapport building, challenging, acknowledging, collaborating and action planning. As these are learned, practised and refined, they can be built on more.

7 Strategies to keep your Email Helpful instead of Stressful

Written by BZ Riger-Hull, Certified Success Coach

1. Don't let more than 10 emails stay in your in box for more than a twenty four hour period. This clutter can lead to several problems. You will miss important or time sensitive email, you will feel drained before you've even started to look at your email, and you will waste time trying to find important resources because you have so much clutter to wade through. Every day when you check your email go throughrepparttar three S's to keep things clutter free. Sort- delete any spam or other unimportant email. Scan-repparttar 104674 email that's left and see if you need to reply to it now, if it would be useful to save for a resource, or pass it along to someone in your network Save- emails you want to keep should be put into clearly organized folders.

2. Set up specific folders- It's helpful to have a folder name and then subcategories under that. For example: Clients would berepparttar 104675 folder and then in that folder would be a separate file for each client. Newsletters- and files for special interest newsletters, articles, and resources for work this makes things easy to find and easy to share with your clients and your network. It's very helpful to set up corresponding folders in your programs, one for Word, Excel, Acrobat for PDF's

3. Save your correspondence- keep your outgoing and incoming emails, I save most ofrepparttar 104676 emails I write and receive. This is very helpful for work related emails. Often I will send a resource or note to a client about something big they have accomplished, after sending I transfer it to their file. It's a nice tracking system for me and comes in handy when they ask me to resend information. If you are working on a project or are engaged in a marketing campaign it's helpful to save in-coming email for reference, resource, and referrals to colleagues.

4. Leverage your email as a free marketing tool. Put together a powerful signature file atrepparttar 104677 end of your out going emails. This is your electronic version of your business card. Most email programs will allow you to have several signature files that can automatically be attached to your outgoing emails. You could design a few different ones to call attention to different areas of your business. You want to limitrepparttar 104678 signature file to 5-6 lines and keeprepparttar 104679 lines under 60 characters long. Make sure if you put a website address in it to put http:// inrepparttar 104680 address, this will makerepparttar 104681 address an active link torepparttar 104682 recipient. You will want to dorepparttar 104683 same with your email address by adding mailto: in front ofrepparttar 104684 email address without any spaces in between.

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