Educational Factory Tours For A Magical Family Vacation

Written by Elizabeth Ann Wares

When wasrepparttar last time you sawrepparttar 133876 words "family fun", "educational", and "free" inrepparttar 133877 same sentence? You can find just that in Nottingham, PA, just outside Philadelphia, PA or Balitmore, MD. Whether you live near those areas and are looking for a family day trip, or want to have a unique experience while on vacation, this factory tour is a must.

When you go to visitrepparttar 133878 Herr's Snack Food Factory, you will get to experience a fun-filled (forrepparttar 133879 whole family) morning or afternoon of educational information, with a little bit of high tech thrown in... all for free. Before repparttar 133880 tour begins you receiverepparttar 133881 behind-the-scenes history and background of Herr's. You will also be introduced to your "special and unique tour guides", who will be with you for your entire visit.

The tour is a fascinating and exciting experience for kids and adults alike. With your personal guides andrepparttar 133882 accompanying videos, this also makes it ideal for large groups.

In this state-of-the-art plant, you'll getrepparttar 133883 chance to watch as machines and ovens make thousands of snack foods, including their famous potato chips, pretzels, corn chips, cheese curls, popcorn, and much, much more. The tour starts with an award winning video in whichrepparttar 133884 Herr's mascot, Chipperrepparttar 133885 Chipmunk takes you on a tour.

Next stop isrepparttar 133886 real factory, where you'll be able to actually see how snacks are made. Watch pretzel twists getting twisted and then baked in humongous ovens. You will learn how chips are made from start to finish. Get ready to be amazed as you watchrepparttar 133887 entire process. Beginning with repparttar 133888 loading ofrepparttar 133889 raw ingredients through slicing, cooking, seasoning and bagging, and howrepparttar 133890 chips end up inrepparttar 133891 stores. It's mesmerizing to watchrepparttar 133892 machines doing allrepparttar 133893 work, and to see how much work really goes into a potato chip, before it hits your tastebuds.

High Roller or Kid In A Stroller - Las Vegas Has It All

Written by Elizabeth Ann Wares

Las Vegas is much more than jangling one arm bandits, and noisy casinos. Seriously, there is so much more to do than gamble and eat from mile-long buffet tables. Las Vegas is home torepparttar some ofrepparttar 133875 finest nightlife, shopping, attractions, and golf courses inrepparttar 133876 world.

Your entertainment options are unlimited in this city known as "America's Playground". There are thrilling roller coasters, dolphin and magic shows, and street shows such as Treasure Island's life-like pirate battle. You can even tour Egypt in a simulated ride. There are places to bowl, enjoy a leisurely spa, shop 'til you drop, and even get married. The possibilities are almost overwhelming, so make sure to plan, or have some sort of idea what you would like to see and do while you are there.

You will definitely want to put a trip to Fremont Street on your itinerary. Fremont Street is located inrepparttar 133877 heart of downtown Las Vegas and is a short stroll from many hotels or you can riderepparttar 133878 public transportation which is extremely clean and passenger friendly. Look overhead as you walkrepparttar 133879 4 block long Fremont Street Experience and you will be awed byrepparttar 133880 over 2.1 million lights andrepparttar 133881 state-of-the-art sound system inrepparttar 133882 canopy constructed 90 feet over street level.

If you are vacationing and wanting to spoil yourself, then you have come torepparttar 133883 perfect place. Many ofrepparttar 133884 spas offer fitness centers. In addition you can treat yourself to facials, massages, body wraps, saunas, heated whirlpools, steam rooms and other treatments, including tanning.

Don't dare missrepparttar 133885 fountains at Bellagio. It is one ofrepparttar 133886 most spectacular and memorable sights in Las Vegas or maybe evenrepparttar 133887 world! You will be mesmerized asrepparttar 133888 water takes on a life all it's own and dances in perfect synchronization to broadway favorites and opera and everything thing else in between. Best of all this show is also free.

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