Eczema and acne herbs for a powerful footbath

Written by Rudy Silva

In 1979, Maurice Messe’gue’,repparttar famous French herbalist, who practiced herbal footbaths for all kinds of ailments, wrote a book called “Health Secrets of Plants and Herbs.” In this book he outlined his footbath treatment for Eczema.

I have listed his herbal recommendations and have added a few more that are effective in reducing eczema symptoms. I have listed 11 herbs that you can buy in small quantities, ½ oz, to mix together, produce a tea, and use in a footbath.

As mentioned in my other article on footbaths, create a tea, with herbs and let them sit for 20-30 minutes. Then strain and add them to a footbath. Userepparttar 144506 footbath inrepparttar 144507 morning and evening for 10 – 14 minutes.

Use at least 9 ofrepparttar 144508 herbs listed here.

Artichoke leaves – You can use artichoke leaves dried whole or cut down and as an extract. Artichoke leaves have been used for indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. They help increase bile and helprepparttar 144509 liver to regenerate. The liver needs to be in good condition to help eczema conditions when excess toxins are contributing to eczema. The liver helps to detoxify colon toxins and other toxins that may reach eczema locations and cause inflammation.

What I do is just buy some artichokes and cut them into small pieces – about a small hand full – boil water and put them intorepparttar 144510 boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then I takerepparttar 144511 boiling water offrepparttar 144512 stove and put my herbs.

Elecampane leaves – This herb is used to expel intestinal parasites, helps to pull toxins out ofrepparttar 144513 body, stimulate digestion andrepparttar 144514 immune system. A tea of leaves and roots help cleanrepparttar 144515 skin by removing toxins and allowing your immune system to heal your skin.

Cabbage leaves – these leaves are known to reduce your susceptibility to cancer. It is thought that cabbage leaves have anti-inflammatory action. Cabbage has a healing action on open wounds. You can use fresh cabbage cut into small pieces and add them torepparttar 144516 boiling water atrepparttar 144517 same time you addrepparttar 144518 artichokes.

Nettles – Nettle tea is good for wounds, stings, and burns. It is also used to eliminate worms and for colon disorders. Many times skin disorders can berepparttar 144519 result of a toxic colon. That is why cleansing and detoxifyingrepparttar 144520 colon will help with any type of skin problem.

Essential fatty acids (efa's)

Written by Rudy Silva

Essential Fatty Acids are oils, omega-3 and omega-6, that you can find, in certain amounts, in all oils that you can purchase in mostrepparttar health food and regular grocery stores. These fatty acids are called essential because you cannot create them in your body and your cells use them every day.

If you do not eat enough of these oils… guess what… you’re going to get sick. What kind of sick? The list is quite extensive and it depends on your deficiency.

* Acne * ADD/ADHD * Alzheimer’s disease * Arthritis * Asthma * Cancer * Diabetes * Eczema * Eye diseases * Growth retardation * Hair loss * Heart disease * High blood pressure * Immune dysfunction * Kidney deterioration * Kidney deterioration * Memory loss * Psoriasis * Schizophrenia

It’s a good idea not to be short on these fatty acids, because this list is still not complete.

80% ofrepparttar 144505 American people will come down with serious illness because of nutritional deficiencies

It is not enough to eat essential fatty acid randomly. They need to be eaten in balance. You will need to balancerepparttar 144506 Omega-3 withrepparttar 144507 Omega-6. Most people are eating around 15 tablespoons of Omega-6 to 1 tablespoon of Omega-3. If you are one of these persons then expect to be harboring or creating one ofrepparttar 144508 diseases listed above

What are Essential Fatty Acids?

There are four important types of Essential Fatty Acids:

* Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) or Omega-3 Oil * Linoleic Acid (LA) or Omega-6 Oil * Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) * Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are found in everyday oils that you use for cooking, baking, and eating.

* Flax seed oil – contains four times more omega-3 than omega-6 * Perilla seed oil – contains three-four more omega-3 than omega-6 * Hemp oil – containrepparttar 144509 ideal ratio of 4:1, four times more omega-6 to omega-3. * Pumpkin oil – contains 3 times more omega-6 than omega-3 * Walnut oil contain ten times more omega-6 than omega-3 * Safflower – has no omega-3 and 75% of its oil is omega-6 * Sunflower – has no omega-3 and 65% of its oil is omega-6 * Wheat germ oil – slight amount of omega-3 but mostly omega-6 * Olive oil – no omega-3 and 8% of its oil is omega-6 * Corn oil – contains mostly omega- 6

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