Ebay Gold

Written by Greg Hayes

Internet auctions are relatively new having been around sincerepparttar mid 1990's. There are several Internet auctions including Yahoo Auctions and UBid. But of courserepparttar 116725 undisputed king of Internet auctions is Ebay. Ebay has over 100 million registered users making it one ofrepparttar 116726 top 10 most visited websites inrepparttar 116727 world.

I discovered Ebay way back in 1998. At first, I was strictly a buyer. I was amazed atrepparttar 116728 thousands of items that could be found on Ebay. Just about anything you can imagine can be found on Ebay. And there were more incredible bargains to be found than at any other ecommerce website or brick and mortar store I had ever visited. After about six months or so of buying, I began selling items on Ebay. I had an extensive collection of unbuilt as well as built plastic model cars. I began placingrepparttar 116729 models on Ebay with starting bids of $5.00 and no reserve. To my surprise, people started jumping all over these model kits. Some of them sold for as high as $70.00. It was at this time that I realizedrepparttar 116730 enormous money making potential of Ebay. The key to being a successful seller on Ebay is selling items that people want. There are a number of ebooks on Internet auctions that tell ofrepparttar 116731 importance of a great headline and a killer ad for your auction. While this is true, it is also important to remember thatrepparttar 116732 best ad inrepparttar 116733 world will never sell an item that no one wants. The items that do well on Ebay are unique or interesting items. Antiques, pottery, collectables and high-end apparel are just a few ofrepparttar 116734 items that will bring high bids on Ebay. If you can easily findrepparttar 116735 item at Wal-Mart, chances are it will not do well on Ebay.

There are a number of wholesalers aroundrepparttar 116736 country that you can buy merchandise from to sell on Ebay. But before you buy, do your homework. It's very tempting to buy a bunch of electronic widgets that sell for $2.00 a piece. You might think you can buy 20 ofrepparttar 116737 $2.00 widgets and then sell them for $12.00 a piece on Ebay and make a killing. Unfortunately, you discover that no one is bidding on your widgets despiterepparttar 116738 fact that you have startedrepparttar 116739 bidding at a mere $6.00. In fact, there are very few people that are even viewing your auctions. The end result is you are now stuck with 20 widgets that no one wants. The first mistake here was not doing a search of widgets on Ebay to find out if they're hot or not. The second mistake was trying to sell an electronic item. Yes, I know there is a huge market for electronic gadgets. That'srepparttar 116740 problem;repparttar 116741 market is too huge. It is already saturated. How many times a day are you bombarded with offers forrepparttar 116742 latest and greatest cell phone or digital camera? If you try to sell in this market on Ebay, you're encroaching on Best Buy's turf, which means you'll be smashed like a bug. Onrepparttar 116743 other hand, how many offers do you receive for NASCAR collectibles or Gucci shoes? Or how about die cast models? These arerepparttar 116744 hot items on Ebay. These are in demand items and more importantly you can sell these items without competing against Wal-Mart and Best Buy.

If you're new to Ebay,repparttar 116745 first thing you need to do is to build positive feedback. Feedback is vital to your success on Ebay. Potential buyers will read your feedback in order to determine if you're an honest seller. If you have high numbers of negative feedback, many buyers will look elsewhere. Take a look at some ofrepparttar 116746 Ebay Power Sellers feedback. Many of them have feedback inrepparttar 116747 thousands with a rating of over 99% positive. It's no secret how these Power Sellers became successful on Ebay. They take care of their customers. This means they'll have plenty of repeat business.

Home Typing Scams!

Written by BB Lee

Home Typing Scams by BB Lee (C)2004

"Home Typing Scams" are one ofrepparttar highest ranking work-at- home scams onrepparttar 116724 Internet according to leading Internet fraud watch dogs.

You see these "Home Typing Jobs" advertised acrossrepparttar 116725 Internet. You probably receive their pitches in several emails every day. These companies typically target anyone who wants to work-at-home. Unfortunately, most of these typing jobs are frauds. The following is a typical ad:

Home Typist Opportunity! We offer you an excellent opportunity to earn cash working from home as a "Home Typist." These jobs are available world wide, you can set your own hours. Make up to a $1,000 dollars a week working full time. No experience required!

Here's The Usual Scenario: You receive a pitch like above for a "Home Typing Job" in an email. The company sounds legitimate, claiming to provide clerical help to leading business firms. They claim they are over loaded with work and are recruiting new home based workers.

The ad peeks your interest.

So, you respond torepparttar 116726 ad with high hopes. They send you a request. In order to process your application you must send them a fee of anywhere from 29.00 and up. This isrepparttar 116727 point whererepparttar 116728 red flags should go up.

Warning...Warning..Warning...Scam Alert!

But they don't. So, you send themrepparttar 116729 requested fee and wait with baited breath for your first Home Typing Assignment!

In response (if any) they send you a list of companies who might be hiring home typist. Or they might supply you with a disc that includes instructions on how you can place similar ads for home typist online or in print publications..and sell respondantsrepparttar 116730 same disc. Thus joiningrepparttar 116731 ranks ofrepparttar 116732 scammers.

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