Ebay Can Be a Good Source of Free Website Traffic

Written by Preston Williams

Website traffic: we all want it and we all need it.

One ofrepparttar most difficult things to do as a webmaster is to get good quality traffic to your website, especially free traffic.

We want it bad and can't get enough of it.

We pay for it, trade links with other websites and tweak our web pages for better search engine rankings to get it.

Here's a way to get free targeted traffic to your website and best of all it's free!

If you have an Ebay sellers account an run auctions, you can use those auctions to drive more traffic to your website and/or affiliate sites.

It can easily be done by effectively using your "About Me" page.

Currently, Ebay doesn't allow you to link to websites outside of Ebay from your auction pages. However, you are allowed to link to other websites from your "About Me" page.

Take advantage of your Ebay "About Me" page by using your marketing skills to transform it into a mini-website.

Give it allrepparttar 124680 bells and whistles of a traditional website. This includes a way for visitors to subscribe to your newsletter too.

My Ebay about me page is responsible for a great number of my newsletter subscribers.

To maximizerepparttar 124681 traffic flow to your "About Me" page, simply place a short text ad atrepparttar 124682 top or bottom (or both) of all your Ebay auction pages.

Your ad should offer something of value torepparttar 124683 visitors of your auction page.

Offer them a free ebook or free report as an incentive to visit your about me page. Free information is what drivesrepparttar 124684 internet and it works on auction sites too.

You can find quality free ebooks and/or reports related to just about any subject. Just searchrepparttar 124685 internet, there's a ton of free material out there forrepparttar 124686 taking.

However, you should be absolutely sure that you use something that is intended to be distributed freely, before you start giving it away.

Here's an Example of how I use this simple method to drive traffic to my website and, atrepparttar 124687 same time, build my opt-in list.

BearCo-ringtonesandshopping.co.uk offers amazing deals on mobile phones

Written by plumbing106@fsmail.net

People all overrepparttar united kingdom are going online to buy ring tones, screen savers, and logo’s, for their mobile phones, this practice is becoming very popular with all age groups, especiallyrepparttar 124679 younger generations, although asrepparttar 124680 computer is making its self a part of every home, all age groups are starting to get involved.

The question is where to get a good deal on these services a good place to start is http://www.bearCo-ringtonesandshopping.co.ukrepparttar 124681 site is very user friendly offering help and advice on compatibility of mono or polyphonic phones,repparttar 124682 web site also offers a good selection of ring tones, screen savers, and logo’s,

The problem with a lot of sites isrepparttar 124683 fact that you are some how expected to know how to navigate around them with little or no instructions (web masters take note)

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