Eat Whole Fruit

Written by Jeannie Crabtree

Eat Whole Fruit

Have you ever wondered whether drinking a glass of fruit juice is much different nutritionally than eatingrepparttar fruit? Say an apple or orange. While fruit juice is a good alternative to sodas or alcoholic beverages, Whole fruit has some advantages: + Is more filling, and therefore more satisfying

Have More Energy Today

Written by Steve Gillman

I've had problems with fatigue and a lack of energy all my life. It would be wonderful to know why. I've asked doctors, read books, and learned that some questions just won't be answered in my lifetime.

I've also learned that even without discoveringrepparttar root causes of my tiredness, there are things I can do to alleviate it. Here are some of energy boosters that have worked for me and others overrepparttar 140371 years. Sometimes it helps to use several at once.

Energy Boosters

1. Breath deeply. Three slow deep breaths help oxygenate repparttar 140372 blood supply better, and especially seems to wake uprepparttar 140373 brain.

2. Move. Often just getting up and washingrepparttar 140374 dishes, or walking aroundrepparttar 140375 house helps boost energy levels.

3. Talk about something interesting. Get a tired person to talk about something they're passionate about, and watch their energy level rise. This one really works well.

4. Have a cup of coffee. Caffeine makes some of us more tired when it's abused, but short-term, it can work wonders.

5. Play energetic music. Different types of music have different effects on us, but you can do this one by trial and error. Once you findrepparttar 140376 ones that work for you, keep them ready.

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