Easy Way for Newbies to Market Home Business

Written by Leslie McGuirk

I beganrepparttar journey of owning a home based business several months ago. Like many others, I foundrepparttar 100272 task of marketing my business overwhelming and frustrating. Without marketing, you don't make sales, and without sales, you can't profitably run your business.

After spending countless hours onrepparttar 100273 computer and throwing many dollars downrepparttar 100274 drain, I learned one very important thing: You must combine mass marketing with a personal touch.

There are many great marketing tools you can use to achieve mass marketing including pay per click engines, placing ads, buying leads, banner advertising, and exchanging links just to name a few. While these methods can produce positive results, they lack repparttar 100275 personal connection many new business owners need to build a true customer base.

Onrepparttar 100276 other hand, personal touch methods such as emailing your family and friends about your new business can be a great way to start spreadingrepparttar 100277 word, but this approach may not help you reach enough people to give your businessrepparttar 100278 jump start it really needs.

So where did this lead this flailing entrepreneur? Message boards.

I initially visited message boards to get help with my marketing dilemma. Inrepparttar 100279 process, I realized this was not only a place to exchange valuable information with other home business owners, but this was also a great place to market my own online business. Not only did I find plenty of message board group members willing to give information, I found many interested parties for my own business. Soon, I realized that not only was I becoming a more educated marketing guru, I was introducing my new business to many new friends (and customers).

Stop TRYING to SELL and Start TRYING to HELP! Part II

Written by Corey Bachmeier

In part I of this article series, I uncovered a fatal flaw that many new networkers have in their business building mindset. It isrepparttar thought of trying to sell your products or opportunity to people, instead of helping and teaching them about your products and opportunity,repparttar 100271 opportunity of time and financial freedom.

This article looks atrepparttar 100272 concept of teaching people about how they can improve their time and financial freedom, through your business opportunity. Hopefully your company has tools in place that will inform your potential prospects about your product line,repparttar 100273 business, andrepparttar 100274 benefits that your company can provide for them in terms of financial and time freedom. These tools can include things like:

Conference Calls Pre-recorded Calls Internet Presentations Fax on Demand Online Meetings

All of these tools are designed to inform your prospects and teach them about how your company can help them, either with your products, or your opportunity.

Most people when they first get involved with their business, SAY TOO MUCH TO PROSPECTS!

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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