Easy Elimination Of Worry & Stress!

Written by Tim Webb

It is very true that, unfortunately, many people look to reduce feelings of worry and stress by doingrepparttar very things that, ultimately, bring on more ofrepparttar 140263 same. Alcohol, drugs, and over indulgence inrepparttar 140264 wrong types of food all seem to offer an immediate solution to get away fromrepparttar 140265 stresses ofrepparttar 140266 day.

Now, I am not condemning sensible drinking or occasionally eatingrepparttar 140267 ‘wrong’ type of food as a rare treat butrepparttar 140268 daily ingestion of such substances simply leads to poor health and a whole host of related negativity.

The question, though, is what arerepparttar 140269 alternatives? How can I relax and unwind without a few drinks?

The truth ofrepparttar 140270 matter is this. A real, instantly accessible, answer is within you and you do it each day without even thinking about it. If you learn to harness this inner power you will, literally, have a way of eliminating stress, or at least greatly reducing it, withoutrepparttar 140271 need for things that are bad for you.

What is this ‘inner power’ I hear you cry! Very simply, it is your breath!

By learning a few simple exercises you can go a long way to beating stress while feeling healthier and more positive. If you perform repetitive actions such as deep breathing exercises then this helps in blocking out stressful thoughts. The more you repeatrepparttar 140272 activity and become proficient at itrepparttar 140273 easier it will be to unwind.

For an example of such an exercise tryrepparttar 140274 one below for five minutes and feel how it aids in relaxation and reduces feelings of stress and worry.

High Cholesterol Prescription Medications Can Kill You

Written by Ramzi Abboud

The World Health Organization declares that heart disease isrepparttar number one killer worldwide. High cholesterol is a major contributor of heart disease. In America alone there are nearly 105 million people with high cholesterol.

While there are numerous options for people to lower cholesterol naturally, thousands and thousands of people are taking prescription medication to lower cholesterol – risking some very dangerous side effects.

These side effects can include: •An increase in cancer risk •Elevated liver enzymes (causing liver damage) •Yellow skin / yellow eyes •Rhabdomyolysis (degenerative muscle tissue condition) •Impaired kidney function •Muscle weakness and pain •Dizziness •Gas •Headache •Heartburn or indigestion •Nausea or vomiting

Crestor, a prescription medication to lower cholesterol, has been linked torepparttar 140262 death of a patient who developed a suspected case of severe muscle wasting. Company spokesman Steve Brown said “the death may have been due to a condition known as Rhabdomyolysis andrepparttar 140263 incident had been reported to regulators worldwide.” Brown declined to say whererepparttar 140264 death occurred or what dose of Crestorrepparttar 140265 patient had been taking

For people that are looking for supplements to help lower cholesterol levels, there are many natural supplements available that can lower cholesterol and some of these can even be more effective thanrepparttar 140266 prescription medications – withrepparttar 140267 added benefit of zero side effects.

A new product and website just released can show you many natural ways to lower your cholesterol, including over 35 natural supplements that will help to melt away high cholesterol levels. You can also find plenty of information on how to naturally lower cholesterol levels without any supplements whatsoever.

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