Earning additional Income using the Veriuni(TM) Online-Store

Written by Alex Timaios

The use of Shopping Malls has source of additional income is showing an increased trend. The advantages are clear: instead of usingrepparttar common Affiliate Programs with only one product, Online Shopping malls offer a variety of products for different market segments. This advantage againstrepparttar 116670 traditional "one product affiliate program" contributed clearly to their popularity. Inrepparttar 116671 meanwhile, a simple search on Google shows arepparttar 116672 high number of own "Online Shopping Malls" ready to take orders.

Additionally,repparttar 116673 time consuming task of shipping goods and keeping an inventory at home is completely avoided, since this activity is taken over by SFI.

The Veriuni Store(TM) offers a good combination between physical goods (Health, Pet, Books, Food and others) and InfoProducts.

Every time a visitor buys an item ofrepparttar 116674 store,repparttar 116675 "Shopping Mall owner" is paid through a commission. The percentage depends on several factors discussed inrepparttar 116676 following sections.

A Veriuni Store Online can be visited here.

------------------------------ Associated Costs ------------------------------

The Veriuni Store is provided for Free for SFI Affiliates. SFI stands for "Strong Future International", it is a solid Company with more then 15 years of experience onrepparttar 116677 Marketing & Sales arena.

The Store itself is hosted by SFI, so there is no need to have an own Webspace, what is considered an advantage since it helps to cut operationl costs.

------------------------------ Products ------------------------------

The Veriuni Store clearly focussed on domestic consumer products. The product offer is divided on:

1) Books: mainly related to internet Marketing

2) Magazines: offer subscriptions to popular magazines (Golf, Sport, Consumer)

3) Natural Cleaners: all purpose cleaners in different sizes

4) Personal Care: Shampoo, Soaps

5) Pet Care: diverse food supplements for Pets, also Aspirin

6) Wellness/Nutrition: Antioxidants, Vitamins, Liquid Nutrition

7) Food: Cafe

8) Telecommunications: Long Distance Service, Telephone Service, Wireless Offers

9) IAHBE: Membership torepparttar 116678 International Association of Business Entrepreneurs.

------------------------------ Possible Earnings ------------------------------

The Compensation System of SFI is complex. It depends on several factors. The minimum commission percentage is 40%, "MIQ Affiliates" gets an additional of 40%. Depending onrepparttar 116679 total sales volume additional "overrides" (Gold, Silver Overrides) are paid. An Affiliate can take advantage of being "MIQ" by reaching a given number of sales points per month.

How To Make Money with Safelists

Written by Bob Mobino

It's a statistically verified fact that most entrepreneurs are doomed to fail with Safelists.

You see, most marketers fail to target their ads with scientific precision.

It really doesn't matter how well-crafted your ads are when it comes to promoting products or programs in Safelists... what will *really* makes a difference to profiting from Safelists, is targeting your ads withrepparttar following variables:

=> Target your Ads *according* torepparttar 116669 "psychographic" data of Safelist-Members.

=> Endorse a Program with an Awe-Inspiring Sales Letter! [thatrepparttar 116670 most important part of your promotions.]

=> Periodically, purchase "Premium Sponsorship" to stand-out from your competition and instil more TRUST!

=> Use Safelists that haverepparttar 116671 strictest rules and have a solid record of being in business for at least 7 months.

=> Offer a FREE Bonus that is worth at least $27 in Retail Value (a digital product, software, or script.)

=> Structure your ad to appear legitimate, meaningful and "seductive"!

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