"Earn A Living Here - No FLUFF"

Written by Joseph Sgro

Like you I've heard and read a lot about making money online. It's become a passion of mine - I read sales letters allrepparttar time, for exciting NEW products and I listen to audio and watchrepparttar 100413 videos too.

I'm making money - which is nice, but probably like you, haven't crackedrepparttar 100414 big money. I'm here to tell you not to give up.

My wife is not that impressed, but I tell her it's only a matter of time before my business explodes. I get pleasure out of giving my lists things they can use to improve their business and I do share quite a lot of useful information.

As I discover NEW stuff you get to hear about it if you are on my list and if I've got something to help you, most ofrepparttar 100415 time you get it FREE.

If you have filters on your mail, maybe my mail doesn't always get through so I ask you to checkrepparttar 100416 member's area and subscribe to my RSS feed to make sure you don't missrepparttar 100417 special treats.

Now we both wantrepparttar 100418 same:

work at home and earn mega bucks....right?


Well that's what this ezine brings you

....plenty of ideas...

but you gotta "do"!

You have to spendrepparttar 100419 hours I spend and more if you want "the good life" - nothing comes totally free. This isrepparttar 100420 hard part. Jim Edwards talks aboutrepparttar 100421 success formula as consisting of modifiyingrepparttar 100422 "action" until you getrepparttar 100423 "results" that you "intended".

Don't Hide That Price Tag!

Written by R.M. Blackledge

Don't Hide That Price Tag!

R.M. Blackledge ©Copyright 2005

One ofrepparttar most common misconceptions about selling is thatrepparttar 100412 naming of a final price shouldn't be done until you've already closedrepparttar 100413 sale. This tactic is commonly used in new and used car sales.

"How much, exactly?" The customer asks. Butrepparttar 100414 salesperson doesn't immediately answer, instead he/she continues babbling on about some finer point ofrepparttar 100415 product. In effect,repparttar 100416 salesperson is trying to enticerepparttar 100417 customer into falling in love withrepparttar 100418 product, such thatrepparttar 100419 final price won't really matter all that much.

The customer will findrepparttar 100420 money somehow...

This tactic must work relatively well, because it's ages old. Unfortunately, repparttar 100421 sales game onrepparttar 100422 internet is a little different than inrepparttar 100423 brick and mortar world. Web merchants have to be concerned about a little thing known as bandwidth.

Traffic that doesn't convert into sales wastes bandwidth, which can become a BIG FACTOR if you have a ton of pages onrepparttar 100424 same web host. The cost of placing your site[s] online is something that must be factored in when you start your web business. It's common sense then, to consider that poor affiliates will never become wealthy affiliates if they don't pay attention torepparttar 100425 bottom line.

Pay-per-click search engine advertising is a big deal now that banner ads have become so ubiquitous as to be almost useless. Many affiliates swear by their pay-per click campaigns. This type of advertising method brings highly targeted traffic torepparttar 100426 merchant's site.

In effectrepparttar 100427 people are ready to buy. But are they?

Many affiliates who use pay-per-click advertising also believe that a sales price is something that should be hidden untilrepparttar 100428 very last moment. Thus, onrepparttar 100429 affiliate's siterepparttar 100430 price will be located atrepparttar 100431 bottom ofrepparttar 100432 page next torepparttar 100433 sales link. The hope is thatrepparttar 100434 customer will read allrepparttar 100435 sales text FIRST, and thus still be willing to make a purchase - even ifrepparttar 100436 sales price is not exactly what they expected.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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