EXCEL Engineering

Written by Nitin Godse

Our Products are:-Orbital Welding System, Gas Mixing / Blending Systems, Process Gas Supply System, Cylinder Quad, Laboratory Gas Handling System, Gas Cylinder Cabinet, Gas Purifier Console, High Pressure Cylinder Changeover Manifold, Gas Quick Changeover Modules, Pressure Regulating Valves, Gas Cylinder Brackets, Trolley, Sampling Bottles, Gas Flowmeters / Rotameters, Flow Control Valves, Sample Cooler.

5 ways to use your Business Cards more effectively

Written by Brandon Hopkins

Contrary to popular belief,repparttar best use of business cards is not making origami or collecting dust. But, in this article you will find 5 ofrepparttar 102979 most effective ways to use your business cards on a daily basis!

When Joe Girard,repparttar 102980 world's greatest salesman, was selling cars he would frequently go to Detroit Lions football games.

Even though he could afford more expensive seats, he chose to sit inrepparttar 102981 upper deck and wheneverrepparttar 102982 Lions scored, he would throw business cards offrepparttar 102983 top deck ontorepparttar 102984 expensive seats below that offered a discount on a new car that was only goodrepparttar 102985 following day.

Joe Girard's example leads us to our first point:

1. Be Creative

An instructor at a karate class might hand out business cards at his son's t-ball game that say "First Lesson Free with this card". A pet store owner might give out business cards that have an offer for a free goldfish, or 10% off a purchase over $100.

No matter what your type of business, there is a creative way to get your business cards intorepparttar 102986 hands of buyers.

If you can think of these creative ways before your competition does, you are one step ahead, and you will seerepparttar 102987 increase in business.

2. Rememberrepparttar 102988 1 to 1 ratio

The 1 to 1 ratio isrepparttar 102989 easiest formula you'll ever need to know. If you talk to someone for more than 1 minute, they should have 1 of your business cards in their hand. That isrepparttar 102990 1 to 1 ratio.

Basically that means that you need to find a way to talk about what you do, and get your business card in their hand withinrepparttar 102991 first minute ofrepparttar 102992 conversation.

Think of it as an elevator conversation. This prospect will be getting off of your elevator soon, so you have a short time to get that business card into their hand.

3. Make them keepers

Once you have your business card inrepparttar 102993 hand of your potential prospects, what is going to make them keep it?

Unless you are selling air and water, potential clients probably don't need what you sell, but hopefully they want what you sell.

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