Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Success - we all read about it, hear it onrepparttar news, and label some individuals as “successful.” The world’s concept is believed to be related torepparttar 123865 amount of money a person earns,repparttar 123866 size and location of his/her house, andrepparttar 123867 vehicles they drive. If you vacation in a far-off land, you are successful. If you wear designer clothes and dine or entertain at renowned restaurants you are successful.

There are many definitions for success, almost as many as there are individuals. Your idea of success may not be mine and vice versa. I may not be concerned with what I drive and do not base this on success. You, however, might take great care in who shops at what store in order to attainrepparttar 123868 label of success. Whatever your criteria is for placing someone, including yourself, on a preferred list of successful individuals, is based in part on what is of value to you. If you value home location, then successful people live in certain areas. There are those that feel that opulent spending signifies status inrepparttar 123869 honor rolls of life. Who is correct and what assumption is accurate?

None of them are and yet they all are. No matter what you baserepparttar 123870 concept of successful living on, onlyrepparttar 123871 individual involved can attest torepparttar 123872 fact that they feel successful. There is an old saying that “only true success will lull you to sleep at night.” True success is basically living up to your potential and fulfilling life goals and expectations that you have set for yourself. You work hard to make your dreams come true, your family is well taken care of so you can rest at night. Yet, there are those who do not have financial comfort, yet make do with what they have and share their love and attributes with their family and friends. Both individuals are successful. They have done what is expected of them and beyond.

Join the Positive Postcard Project

Written by Stephanie West Allen

Publishing Guidelines: You have permission to publish this article as long asrepparttar resource box is included. Please let me know of its publication by sending either a website link or a courtesy copy of your publication to Stephanie@allen-nichols.com Thank you very much.

---------------------------------------- AFFIRM YOUR MOST MARVELOUS TRAITS

The words we use to describe ourselves have much force. When you call yourself lazy or impatient or poor, you invoke two strong, powerful phenomena -- self-fulfilling prophecy andrepparttar 123864 law of attraction -- moving you towards greater laziness, impatience, or poverty. When you call yourself energetic or kind or prosperous, you also invoke those two mighty and unerring phenomena -- and move towards more energy, kindness, or riches.

Here's how Positive Postcards work . . .

First, write down seven positive traits about yourself. Next, obtain seven postcards. Write a note to yourself about each trait on a different postcard. When you are done, you will have seven postcards, each with a note to yourself about one ofrepparttar 123865 positive traits you listed.

You may write a note as simple as this:

"Dear Sally,

You are very imaginative.




"Dearest, remarkable Sally,

You are wildly and wonderfully imaginative!

Much love and respect and affection to you, girl,



Why seven traits and seven cards? Because a musical major scale has seven notes, a week has seven days, a telephone number has seven numbers, a rainbow has seven colors. Seven is a good number.

Speaking of rainbows, it is highly recommended that you get writing utensils that write each ofrepparttar 123866 seven colors -- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo , and violet. Use one ofrepparttar 123867 colors for writing each of your postcards so you will have a rainbow of postcards when you are done.

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