EVP: Part Deux

Written by Gloria Young

EVP or electronic voice phenomenon has been attempted since at leastrepparttar turn ofrepparttar 139969 century in one form or another. In 1848,repparttar 139970 Fox sisters probably attemptedrepparttar 139971 earliest form of spirit communication called spirit rapping. Overrepparttar 139972 years, EVP has become more sophisticated and in tune withrepparttar 139973 times. It began with dual-reel tape recorders that were very big and very bulky. Scientists and other interested persons would attempt experiments with these items but really didn't getrepparttar 139974 results they wanted. Overrepparttar 139975 years, manufacturers have updated, improved and condensedrepparttar 139976 tape recorders they make only to provide excellent results when used under controlled conditions. Ghost hunters began experimenting with these recorders and discovered a whole new world that had opened up with their use. In an attempt to share their evidence, they were met with resistance fromrepparttar 139977 scientific community. There was no way to prove their evidence and how they obtained it.

Overrepparttar 139978 course of time, attempting to obtain EVP has become much easier and atrepparttar 139979 same time, costlier. There are stillrepparttar 139980 tape recorders runningrepparttar 139981 microcassettes or standard tapes. These work well and can work better with any microphone attached to it. The microphone will eliminaterepparttar 139982 "motor" sounds obtained caused byrepparttar 139983 gears rotating and an internal microphone. Although some swear by certain microphones, any one will do. If you can affordrepparttar 139984 higher end microphones, get one of those. I always find simpler is better.

These days you can also findrepparttar 139985 digital recorders. There are those people that swear these work better than tape recorders. Although you will get a better sound quality with a digital and haverepparttar 139986 ability to download it to your computer,repparttar 139987 digital recorder can work just as well as a tape recorder.

My suggestion would be not to spend any more than you have on a recorder. You don't need to go into debt for a recorder. Any recorder used underrepparttar 139988 right circumstances will give you results. So, what arerepparttar 139989 right circumstances?

The Tree of Life and Allies

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

There are names in many languages and cultures or even within each culture, separate cults with different names for 'forces of nature'. Allies, guides, elementals, fairies, elves, gnomes, leprechauns and sorepparttar list would grow intorepparttar 139939 thousands. How many different dimensions or M-branes we might interact with at some level of our 'cosmic soup' is part ofrepparttar 139940 question? There are different ways to access and varied levels or degrees of access. Not all are reliably replicable byrepparttar 139941 same techniques. Some element of consciousness exists in these ethereal forces which chooses not to communicate according to factors beyondrepparttar 139942 control ofrepparttar 139943 soul or human who wishes such contact. Certain times are more propitious for such contact according to most beliefs that seek to relate with these forces. The differing brain wavelengths of people make separate variations of ritualistic methods necessary. A medium, sensitive, or psychic will have their own biorhythm to control and 'center' or 'fix' if they want to commune with any of these endless variations of force. At one level or dimension a force might appear a certain way but it too may be impacted by forces from another dimension. The shamanic 'Tree of Yggdrasil' has similar ethnic relatives such asrepparttar 139944 Hebraic 'Tree of Life' and though this universal 'tree' is more thanrepparttar 139945 simple primary forces that constitute 'allies' it is necessary perhaps to know a lot more in order to seerepparttar 139946 nature of forces in general. We haverepparttar 139947 words of a 'practical guide' that uses few ritualistic or cultish prerogatives to guide us a little in this trek beyondrepparttar 139948 world we see that seems so important.

"According to some shamanic traditions ofrepparttar 139949 northern peoples,repparttar 139950 Upper, Middle and Lower 'worlds' comprised nine realms of existence and these could be indicated onrepparttar 139951 Tree of Yggdrasil.

Atrepparttar 139952 top ofrepparttar 139953 vertical column was a 'heavenly' realm, sometimes called Asgard, where celestial beings existed. Below it wasrepparttar 139954 'Place of Enlightenment' -repparttar 139955 realm ofrepparttar 139956 Mind,repparttar 139957 Abode of Thought, andrepparttar 139958 fertile birthplace of Ideas. Inrepparttar 139959 middle wasrepparttar 139960 realm of material manifestation which was conditioned by Time,repparttar 139961 Home ofrepparttar 139962 personality self and of ego-consciousness {With conditioning galore and little ease of escape to findrepparttar 139963 essence of other more inclusive 'realities'.}. Below was a subterranean realm, related to subconscious activity, where shapes were formed from thought patterns…

{N.B.-creativity and hallucination are closely connected. Right Thought or integratingrepparttar 139964 purpose ofrepparttar 139965 creator withrepparttar 139966 created is part ofrepparttar 139967 dynamic.} Inrepparttar 139968 matter of usingrepparttar 139969 primary forces with their North, South, East and West locations and Wind, Fire, Water, Earth expressions we must remember our perceptual starting point may limit these forces ability to allow their conscious reality to meld with our INTENT! Nothing is more important than intent to a practitioner of what has been known as 'black arts' to those who priests sought to keep ignorant of their own use thereof.}.

Atrepparttar 139970 base ofrepparttar 139971 column was a realm of inertia -repparttar 139972 Place of Potential. It was sometimes referred to as 'Hel' - a Germanic word meaning 'covering', because it coveredrepparttar 139973 deepest areas ofrepparttar 139974 unconscious. It had none ofrepparttar 139975 associations attributed torepparttar 139976 fiery 'Hell' ofrepparttar 139977 myths of later religions. {Plagiarizers and ridiculing epithet hurlers.}

Onrepparttar 139978 horizontal plane were other aspects of being and of experience, which similarly formed part ofrepparttar 139979 'hidden' knowledge ofrepparttar 139980 shamans.

The Runic shamans ofrepparttar 139981 ancient northern peoples acquired 'hidden' {Trans. 'occult'} knowledge byrepparttar 139982 use of angular symbols (Runes) which could easily be carved on wood or chiselled into stone. Contrary to modern belief (based onrepparttar 139983 conjecture of some anthropologists), Runes were not simply a secret code whose characters were used as substitutes for letters ofrepparttar 139984 common alphabet. It is likely thatrepparttar 139985 majority of Runic shamans could not read or write their own language, or Latin, which becamerepparttar 139986 language ofrepparttar 139987 scholar afterrepparttar 139988 Roman influence. Runes actually represented patterns of manifestation andrepparttar 139989 laws responsible for shaping forms {N.B.AGAIN!} into which energies could find expression. They were - and are - symbols of a Cosmic language, and are valid on all levels of existence.

Inrepparttar 139990 Runic 'alphabet', known asrepparttar 139991 Elder Futhark because it is consideredrepparttar 139992 oldest of known Runic systems {Divinatory systems have been around since man first thought. The sticks ofrepparttar 139993 I Ching andrepparttar 139994 black and white painted sides of coconut shells used by 'Orisha' worshippers such as voudou and Santeria, are probably far older than any European hominid, and certainly any white man.} and becauserepparttar 139995 word 'f- u-th-a-r-k' is made up of its first six characters, there are twenty-four Runes. There are also just twenty-four possible paths betweenrepparttar 139996 nine realms indicated onrepparttar 139997 Tree of Yggdrasil. Sorepparttar 139998 Runes can serve also as 'travel permits', enablingrepparttar 139999 Runic shaman to explore Inner Space, and as 'passports' to these other realms of existence withinrepparttar 140000 Cosmic Web.

Shamans of Britain and Northern Europe were thus aware thatrepparttar 140001 Cosmos functions at different levels of existence, and that these broadly correspond to various aspects ofrepparttar 140002 mind. Such a concept was fairly widespread among indigenous peoples, and can be seen represented on certain tribal artefacts, such asrepparttar 140003 totem poles ofrepparttar 140004 red-skinned Indians of western North America {Actually not red-skinned but'-the use of ochre as a spiritual protection amongrepparttar 140005 Beothuk of Labrador led Europeans to ridicule all Indians in this manner. The same can be said for howrepparttar 140006 Kelts were portrayed as tattooed 'savages' by Caesar.} andrepparttar 140007 brown-skinned Maoris of New Zealand, {Who with British help inrepparttar 140008 19th century wiped outrepparttar 140009 last Kelts onrepparttar 140010 Chatham Islands.} orrepparttar 140011 specially carved crystal wands used by some American Indian shamans. {The sceptres of European royalty and popery.} These artefacts often depicted three principal 'spirits' on top of one another, supported by an animal-like figure atrepparttar 140012 bottom. On a totem polerepparttar 140013 top figure usually had wings to suggest an ability to travel far and wide. These figures could be used to symbolize aspects ofrepparttar 140014 human being, of principal levels of awareness, and of conscious, subconscious, superconscious and even unconscious aspects ofrepparttar 140015 mind.

Although these various states ofrepparttar 140016 mind were not recognized by modern psychology untilrepparttar 140017 end ofrepparttar 140018 nineteenth century, shamans had personified them as 'spirits' {Or aspects.} for hundreds of years. Kahuna shamans of Hawaii (once part of a mighty prehistoric continent called Mu, which disappeared underrepparttar 140019 Pacific Ocean during an ecological disaster whenrepparttar 140020 Earth was pulled into a new and slightly longer orbit ofrepparttar 140021 Sun) likenedrepparttar 140022 subconscious to a 'hidden' spirit withinrepparttar 140023 human entity which although it was not able to talk, experienced emotion and secretly and silently servedrepparttar 140024 consciousness ofrepparttar 140025 individual to whom it was attached.” (4)

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