Written by Clive Camm

Everybody wants to see tangible results when they invest their hard- earned cash. But when it comes to public relations, we are dealing with ideas and persuasion rather than nuts and bolts. There is an ongoing challenge inrepparttar communications business to prove that a $50,000 PR campaign, for example, generated at least $50,000 worth of business-building media. Here's one way to get a quantifiable evaluation of your media relations programs.

Content analysis isrepparttar 101187 rather dry term used to describerepparttar 101188 quantitative and qualitative value of news stories generated by an organization's PR department. Content analysis goes beyond determining "equivalent advertising value" - whatrepparttar 101189 coverage would cost if it were purchased as advertising – to determinerepparttar 101190 impact of specific messages on reporters in a media campaign.

And while learning thatrepparttar 101191 equivalent ad value of your campaign is multiples greater than your original budget is indeed gratifying, diving deeper intorepparttar 101192 details will tell you whether your messages are hitting their mark and how a campaign may be refined to increase its effectiveness.

IS YOUR NEWS GENERALLY POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE? In comprehensive content analysis, we tabulate every news story and track how positively or negatively news items about your organization are being covered.

WHICH OF YOUR MESSAGES ARE BEING CONVEYED? Most organizations seeking media coverage understandrepparttar 101193 power of key messages – the, perhaps, three succinct media lines that are woven into interviews, releases and other interactions withrepparttar 101194 media. Content analysis, we can tell you whether those messages are getting out. It will also tell yourepparttar 101195 specific issuesrepparttar 101196 media is focusing on.

HOW SUPPORTIVE ARE YOUR STAKEHOLDERS REACTING TO YOUR NEWS? You'll have supporters and critics of your news and content analysis can tabulate what third-party commentators are saying about you and your organization.


Written by Steven Presar

For any business to become truly successful, it needs to create positive brand recognition for its product.

This is especially true in small businesses, where there may be thousands of similar companies vying forrepparttar customer's attention. The easiest and most fruitful way to think of a brand is as an IMAGE thatrepparttar 101186 audience remembers.

This means that successful branding of a service or product is a matter of creating an image that is Positive, Relevant, and Memorable.

First and foremost, you want to create an image of your product or service (or company, for that matter) that is positive.

You want to create an emotional association (such as happiness or fun) withrepparttar 101187 product. According to researchers, there are two basic ways that you can create these associations.

The first way is through direct experience. In this approach, a customer's experience withrepparttar 101188 product or service impacts onrepparttar 101189 way that they see it -- i.e. a positive experience means a positive association. This can be very important if you are trying to reach repeat customers.

It is usually hard to use direct experience to brand a product or service using just a web site. However, remember that a person will often judge your company based on their experiences with your web site. Therefore, it is very important that you make their experience a favorable one -- one where they can get their information quickly and easily.

A second approach to branding that can be used more easily in a web environment is to create indirect associations. This can be done in a number of ways. The words you choose to describe your products,repparttar 101190 name you give them, andrepparttar 101191 graphics/pictures that you use on your web site can help to create an emotional association.

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