ETO ERP Leader Encompix Resolves Design Engineer Conflict

Written by Roger Meloy

According to Roger Meloy of ETO ERP leader Encompix, based in Cincinnati, OH, “If you ask design engineers what an ERP system means to them, you are likely to hear something like “nothing” or “more work.” To most design engineers, an ERP system is either irrelevant or it is perceived as something that requires additional time and effort, often providing little or no value. One reason for this perception is that most ERP systems are not integrated withrepparttar design engineer’s drawing tool.

Traditional ERP systems were developed forrepparttar 136474 repetitive, make-to-stock manufacturer, where there is a clear demarcation between design and production. In that environmentrepparttar 136475 engineer designsrepparttar 136476 product in a CAD application. After testing and prototyping,repparttar 136477 product is released to production, which is managed byrepparttar 136478 ERP system.

The design engineer has little or no interaction withrepparttar 136479 ERP system and works quite happily in a CAD environment. Followingrepparttar 136480 work ofrepparttar 136481 design engineer, a production engineer then creates a bill of material (BOM), based not on howrepparttar 136482 product is designed but how it will be manufactured.

May 19th Olga Brunner of A Good Daughter to Exhibit at Alzheimer’s Education Conference

Written by Thomas Cutler

Olga Brunner founder of A Good Daughter, Inc., based in Margate, Florida (, will present atrepparttar Kravis Center on May 19th & 20th. The 2005 Alzheimer’s Educational Conference will host only 50 companies to exhibit at this event, including A Good Daughter. Brunner notes, “Palm Beach is one ofrepparttar 136473 most important areas for our services and we are proud to present at this vital event.”

The Kravis Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Peter Rabin, author of “The 36 Hour Day”, a well-known publication within Alzheimer’s circles. Brunner regards Dr. Rabin highly, “His book was initially given to me when I was in a support group as a caregiver to my mother. I highly recommend it to my clients who have taken care of family members with Alzheimer’s Disease”.

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