EQ at the Office

Written by Susan Dunn, Coach

Please feel free to distribute or reprint this article, keepingrepparttar bio line intact.

Emotional intelligence means knowing how to get along. Playing too hard atrepparttar 106443 office is just as bad as refusing to play at all, studies show. Office politics is here to stay and how you play can influence your success, satisfaction, and performance at work. So read on.

Two ofrepparttar 106444 most common tactics used in office politics are attacking or blaming others, and withholding (information, resources, supplies). The next most popular politial tactic is impression management. Impression management means dressing or grooming for success, and also drawing attention to your own success and influence, and taking credit for others' accomplishments. Over halfrepparttar 106445 managers asked to name political tactics mention these three.

10 Things Solopreneurs Need to Do With Their Email

Written by Susan Dunn, M.A.

Permission it granted to reprint provided bio line stays intact.

1. Go through your emails and find names of prospective clients who slipped away. Follow up on these. Remember ... it takes an average of 7 times for someone to 'bite'. 2. Get your ezines organized - delete some, store others. Also consider these questions: What issues broughtrepparttar most response? Which issues producedrepparttar 106442 most click throughs. Remind yourself what was successful and do it again inrepparttar 106443 future. 3. Check your ezine statistics for trends. This should be done at least twice a year. This is crucial. Checkrepparttar 106444 overall picture for patterns and trends. Is there more response at a certain time of year? For instance I'm a coach, and offer many e-courses. There's a great response inrepparttar 106445 fall--back-to-school time. If this is your first year of looking atrepparttar 106446 data, store what you learn to compare with next year. 4. Check your ezine statistics for patterns. Did a lot of people join in a certain month? If so, figure out why. Was it some promotion that you did, an article your wrote, or a press release that made it intorepparttar 106447 local newspaper? 5. Let your emails jog your memory. Ask yourself if you handledrepparttar 106448 person well. Was your response to them timely? Did you secure them as a client or not? What wererepparttar 106449 reasons? Did they refer people to you? Do you know how this person found you - ezine, referral, search engine, etc. Act upon your knowledge.

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