Written by Brenda Smith


It's not rocket science, and it doesn't have to elude you anymore. As much as 96% of our success in life and at work depends on emotional Intelligence--also known as horse sense, street smarts or good gut--and it can be learned and mastered.

Emotional Intelligence isrepparttar ability to understand, manage, and take action based onrepparttar 131176 information carried by our emotions. The intelligence comes as we evolve throughrepparttar 131177 four components: self-awareness, self-management, interpersonal connection, and personal leadership. Whether you are leading a corporation, or leading a life,repparttar 131178 soft skills like communication, empathy, stress management and optimism result in more revenue generation and job promotions, more productive and fulfilling relationships--personally and professionally and more comfort with repparttar 131179 uncertainty of change.

EQ translates into business results: Hi EQ salespeople generate 37% more in sales; Partners in professional service firms generate 125% more income than their high IQ partners, and more executive level managers are promoted from within based on empathy and self management than any other trait. There's evidence that high EQ results in better health, smart financial decisions (see related article) and more solid partnerships.

Successful Change for A Change

Written by Brenda Smith

Successful Change for A Change

Change is easy...Transitions are hard. Think of how many times you've tried to make a change and how many times you've been successful...So often, resistance turns us back to our old ways. This time, even though it might be a bit uncomfortable or unfamiliar, welcome resistance as feedback, telling you that you're changingrepparttar status quo--Here arerepparttar 131173 three steps to successful change:

STEP ONE -- Starting something new is notrepparttar 131174 first step. It'srepparttar 131175 third. Before we can begin something, we must lose something--that is, we need to first stop and let go of what no longer works. This may berepparttar 131176 most difficult part ofrepparttar 131177 change process because it is uncomfortable to feelrepparttar 131178 loss of something familiar. Self-management and facing regret is probablyrepparttar 131179 most critical step in making change work. Ask yourself, "What is it you're holding on to that won't allow you to move forward?"

STEP 2-- Be prepared because you have entered a naked wasteland where you are no longer what you were, and not yet what you will be. You have stepped intorepparttar 131180 unknown (for a brief time) and there may be some feelings of inadequacy while you build new skill. The greatest challenge at this point is to manage negative self-talk--a tendency we all have to be self-critical and judgmental--and replacerepparttar 131181 negative withrepparttar 131182 positives. Here, you'll want to ask "What can I do to cope withrepparttar 131183 short term discomfort of this uncertainty?"

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