Written by Bob Leduc

Would you like to capture more sales with your web site, sales letters, and other promotional messages? It may not be as difficult as you think. Here are 5 proven tactics you can apply to energize your sales copy -- and increase your sales volume.


Look for general statements in your web pages and sales letters. Replace them with specific statements.

For example, a general statement like, "Our clients get more sales", is dull. Replace it with "Most new clients enjoy at least a 23 percent increase in sales within 60 days" to create excitement. This motivates prospects to sign up now so they can start enjoying that 23 percent sales increase.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your specific statements are accurate and believable or your credibility will be challenged.

TIP: If something sounds too good to be true your prospects will assume it's not true and they won't buy. Understate any specific claim that sounds exaggerated ...even if it is true.


Long paragraphs and sentences bore your prospects. It causes them to lose interest before getting torepparttar end of your message. Short paragraphs and sentences are easier to read. They hold your prospect's interest.

Divide long paragraphs into shorter paragraphs of 7 lines or less. Break up sentences longer than 18 words into 2 sentences. And look for long or uncommon words you can replace with commonly used words. For example, replace words like "originate" with "start" or "receive" with "get".


Your sales letter or web page must buildrepparttar 129935 prospect's desire for your product or service then motivate them to place an order. It must also hold their interest and keep them emotionally involved throughrepparttar 129936 entire process or you won't getrepparttar 129937 sale.


Written by Bob McElwain

No, I didn't ask if you had read a newspaper lately. I asked if you have looked at one. Closely. Have you examined one with care? If you take a good look atrepparttar front page, here is what you will find.

It's A Work Of Art

The main headline can be read at a glance, even when located on a newsstand quite some distance away. It grabs attention hard. It often draws you towardrepparttar 129934 rack, at least close enough to readrepparttar 129935 subheadline. And, as often as not, just as millions do every day, you buy a copy to readrepparttar 129936 related article.

Doesrepparttar 129937 creation ofrepparttar 129938 headline for your site matter less than that of creating one for a newspaper?

Other Headlines Matter

In putting togetherrepparttar 129939 first page of a newspaper,repparttar 129940 major task is to pull fromrepparttar 129941 day's stories those most likely to interest readers. Only those with maximum appeal are selected. Andrepparttar 129942 headline for each is crafted with extreme care. The object is to have at least one that grabsrepparttar 129943 attention of any reader. The best are used inrepparttar 129944 first fold,repparttar 129945 part that shows inrepparttar 129946 newsstand.

Do you have at least one subheadline that grabsrepparttar 129947 attention of most visitors? Have you a couple others inrepparttar 129948 first screen that loads?


The amount of space given torepparttar 129949 text of each article onrepparttar 129950 front page varies. Such decisions need to be handled with care, for space is limited. If one chooses to run too much text in a given article, another may need to be removed to an inner page, which subtracts that headline fromrepparttar 129951 front page.

While a web page has no fixed limit, visitors will not scroll down indefinitely. Thus formatting matters here as well. Include those elements most likely to be of interest to your target as close torepparttar 129952 top ofrepparttar 129953 page as possible. And each needs an attention grabbing headline.


Newspapers generate profits from advertising. Yet you will not see an ad onrepparttar 129954 front page of any major daily. Instead, all is headlines, followed byrepparttar 129955 beginnings ofrepparttar 129956 story. Photos are used sparingly onrepparttar 129957 front page, for headlines and content are generallyrepparttar 129958 better draw.

Furtherrepparttar 129959 article begins withrepparttar 129960 most important story elements. What is presented ends with a teaser. This isrepparttar 129961 first part of a sentence, laden with emotion, that seeks to compel you to turn to an inner page. For it is onrepparttar 129962 inner pages you will findrepparttar 129963 ads that generaterepparttar 129964 profits.

An example often used is to end with, "The officer drew his pistol, cocked it, crouched down, then ... (Cont on page 23)

The Site Parallel

I don't want to get carried away with this. There are differences betweenrepparttar 129965 front page of a newspaper and your home page. Still, your best benefit needs to be featured inrepparttar 129966 page headline. And subheadings should define others. The text is always benefit loaded and has but one purpose: To draw your visitor deeper intorepparttar 129967 site.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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