EMPATHY, not “Internet Traffic” – key to home based business success?

Written by Coralee LaFresnaye

Having EMPATHY, as we define it, could be your secret to your home based business success. You were either born with it or you were not. If you were born with it, you will never loose it. If you were not born with it, you can become more empathetic, but not like a person withrepparttar Natural Talent of EMPATHY. Mary Kay, of Mary Kay Cosmetics, hasrepparttar 141890 Natural Talent of EMPATHY and she did just that. Yes, Mary Kay did business plans, cash flow projections, marketing analysis, etc. Although these are needed to be successful, they can be hired or learned from courses, workshops or books. Mary Kay’s EMPATHY cannot be learned from courses. It is what gave herrepparttar 141891 competitive edge.

EMPATHY, as we define it, is a Natural Talent. Building your work at home business around your Natural Talents is your key to success. Most people, who work at home, have little sense of their Talents, much less how to build a business around them. They are masters at knowing their weaknesses. They will develop Internet traffic generation systems, work to get a high Page Rank, and hire Search Engine Optimizers, while their Natural Talents lie dormant and neglected.

This isrepparttar 141892 second in a series of articles describingrepparttar 141893 34 Natural Talents that can make you successful when you work at home. Your Talents are what give yourepparttar 141894 “edge” inrepparttar 141895 market place. The purpose of this article is to helprepparttar 141896 people working at home identify their Talents and what to do with them, once they are identified.

First, examine, do you have EMPATHY as we define it? EMPATHY defined is: “A person that loves to relate. They can senserepparttar 141897 emotions of those around them. They feel what others are feeling as though they were their own feelings. Intuitively, they are able to see throughrepparttar 141898 other person’s eyes and share their perspective. They do not necessarily agree with each person’s perspective. They do not necessarily feel pity for each person’s predicament. That would be sympathy, not empathy. They do not necessarily condonerepparttar 141899 choices each person makes, but they do understand. They hearrepparttar 141900 unvoiced questions. They anticipate needs. When others cannot findrepparttar 141901 words, they seem to findrepparttar 141902 right words andrepparttar 141903 right tone. They help people findrepparttar 141904 right phrases to express their feelings. They help others give voice to their emotional life.

A person with EMPATHY can go into a home based business such as selling ebooks, and be successful, however, it is much easier and a lot more fulfilling for someone with EMPATHY if they go into a business that requires a lot of personal contact and customer service.

Make Money Online With A Simple And Proven Formula

Written by Roderick Eash

My goal here is to helprepparttar little guy, likeI was never helped me when I first started trying to make a living online. I mostly got taken advantage of. The statements made here are strictly my own opinion. I don't claim to be an Internet guru. These statements are strictly from my own personal experience, and that is a work in progress.

The first word of advice that I'm going to give is about advertising. Nothing in this world is free. You're going to get what you pay for. Don't jump at every advertising offer you get once you get going. You'll just end up chasing your tail, and throwing your money away. When you're just starting out it's better to sell information, or small ticket items rather than harder to sell big ticket items.

Everybody talks about search engine ranking , and there's nothing wrong with having a high search engine ranking, but for me, I'm more concerned about getting high volume, targeted traffic to get me going, than how high I'm ranked on Google, or Yahoo. Sure a higher ranking is going to give you more business, but lets just get established for now.

Getting your own opt-in list, and a good auto responder like GetResponse or Aweber is were it's at. Spamming: Spamming is not only unethical, it's illegal, and ineffective. So make sure allrepparttar 141876 leads you generate are double opt-in. Remember "The Gold is inrepparttar 141877 List". At GetResponse you can get a free auto responder, but it will have their ads on top of your

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