Getting America back on right track. It's time for Taxpayers to start questioning all candidates, making them "fess" up, and put into writing their "what I'm going to do for you and your families" and if they don't live up to these words, then Taxpayers have right to get them out of office without a problem, don't you think?POLITICIANS 'SAY' AND I QUOTE 'WE MUST CUT TAXES, ELIMINATE NAFTA (& NOW CAFTA)AND BRING JOBS BACK TO AMERICA! Yeah, right! When they get in, Taxpayers are forgotten! There's a couple politicians, right here in North Carolina, and these were words coming from their lying mouths, but once in D. C. Taxpayers are forgotten! We, Taxpayers, would like to know, IF YOU ARE ELECTED, ARE you going to: a] SUPPORT A BILL "ELIMINATING PROPERTY TAXES" so America's children came be put into a good christian school so they can get a good and moral education before it's too late. b] SUPPORT A BILL "SETTING TIME LIMITS OF ONE (1) YEAR?" In other words, if all Local, State & Federal Politicians' & Elected people "Picture Pretty"
| | Politicians need reality checkWritten by Shirley deLong
Let's have some new rules for voting, holding public office. Oppression rings a bell when hardworking taxpayers think of Democrats on Guilford Board of Commissioners. After pointing out errors and flaws in 2004 budget you'd think this bunch would have paid attention or at least waited to pass 2005 budget. No, Bruce Davis and his sidekicks were gung-ho to pass it without even looking into drastic cuts which were noted by several! He's too busy to get to Hawaii and spend more taxpayers monies. Skip Alston's comment, "I want one million dollars for civil rights museum, because I'm giving school system what it wants" is an abomination to say least. Nothing is for benefit of our community, it's for Alston, his ventures, Drug Free, that's me, Greensboro Neighborhood Housing Assistance, Sit-in Movement and others like this. If you don't believe it, take a look at St. James, Project Homestead and several other projects. These boars have been milked too long. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that old cellars are underground and will always have moisture! This is another endless money pit.