EASTER: The Bunny and The Egg

Written by Ronnie Kimball

Ever wonder why there's an "Easter Bunny"? Ever wonder why he brings eggs? And dyed ones at that!

The Rabbit andrepparttar Hare, because of their frequent multiple births, are long time symbols of fertility. According to pre-Christian fertility lore, long before Jesus Christ was born,repparttar 110275 Easter Bunny, akarepparttar 110276 Easter Hare, representedrepparttar 110277 new life duringrepparttar 110278 Spring season.

Children of that era believed thatrepparttar 110279 "Magic Hare" would bring them presents duringrepparttar 110280 Spring festivals. Often, these presents were painted eggs, symbolizing a resurrection or rebirth.

In fact,repparttar 110281 Egyptians buried eggs in tombs while Greeks placed eggs on top of graves. The Persians andrepparttar 110282 Chinese consideredrepparttar 110283 egg to be a special gift at their Spring celebrations.

As part of a gift wrapping tradition, different cultures decorated eggs by either dying them or wrapping them in different types of leaves. In 1880's Germany, Easter eggs were substituted for birth certificates. The egg, dyed a solid color, hadrepparttar 110284 recipient's name and birth date etched intorepparttar 110285 shell.

Later, duringrepparttar 110286 Christian period, many eggs were dyed red. It's believed that this was done to honorrepparttar 110287 blood that Christ shed.

Moms Are Women First

Written by Renee Michaels

I'll bet that most moms forget that!

Being a mom is but one ofrepparttar many daily roles a mother performs and as this dominates her life, it may be difficult even for her to remember allrepparttar 110274 woman she is. While she is undoubtedly proud of her contributions to her family, she probably doesn’t haverepparttar 110275 time and energy to pamper her inner and outer woman.

Mom looks inrepparttar 110276 mirror, sighs, and wishes she had just ten more minutes to style her hair or apply makeup. She looks at her clothes and wishes forrepparttar 110277 time to shop for something pretty to add to her wardrobe. Or an hour once a week to take a yoga or exercise class to soothe her spirit.

She puts this thought aside forrepparttar 110278 1,001st time, and moves on to dorepparttar 110279 laundry, washrepparttar 110280 dishes, go grocery shopping, prepare meals, pick uprepparttar 110281 kids at school, drive them to a sports practice or music lesson, or juggles a job outside as well as her mom’s job.

Mom’srepparttar 110282 heart and soul of a family, whether she’s married or a single mom. But she’s a woman first, so this Mothers Day, why not give her a unique gift to show you honor all that she is, whether you are her children or husband? Just imagine how her eyes will light up and how delighted she’ll be when she knows her family realizes and cares about a side of her that she has neglected to take care of you.

Husbands can give her a special romantic gift • Send her a love letter or poem that tells her how you appreciate her as a woman • Give her sexy lingerie • Treat her to a day at a spa then take her out to a romantic dinner separate from your family’s Mothers Day celebration • Give her a “total makeover” and then have a photographer take glamorous photos of her. Buy a frame to prominently displayrepparttar 110283 best photo • Give her a romantic gift in front ofrepparttar 110284 family so they know how much you love her as a woman. Do a special presentation, what about serenading her with a karaoke tune and handing her your own bouquet of flowers?

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