E-Marketing Using Only Free Resources

Written by Candy Brauer

E-Marketing Using Only Free Resources

I'll berepparttar first to admit it; I'm a cheap skate. I'm not as bad as many I meet, but if there's a legal, ethical way to get it for cheaper or free, I'm there. I love Walmart. I get all of my clothes there. I love buying used cars - no car payments. I bought a nice house inrepparttar 124858 country for only $55,000 dollars - no house payments.

When it comes to marketing overrepparttar 124859 internet, I love FREE. But there are some free marketing techniques out there that leave more to be desired. In this article, I'm going to show you some ofrepparttar 124860 best ways I've found overrepparttar 124861 years on marketing your product or service overrepparttar 124862 internet for free, with no spamming, and doing it ethically.

There are five techniques that I'd like to show you. They are:

1.-Message board signatures

2.-Hit surfing

3.-Safe lists


5.-Search engines


Go to a search engine, such as http://www.google.com , and do a search for message boards. You'll want to search for message boards that are generally business related, and/or directly related to your service or product.

Then, make a list ofrepparttar 124863 URLs to at least a couple dozen message boards, and read overrepparttar 124864 board rules for each board. At least once a week, post relavent responses and/or new threads on each of these message boards, and atrepparttar 124865 bottom of your posts, leave a signature. You're signature could either be your name, followed by your email address or webpage, or it could be a one line ad, followed by your url or email.


This is a free e-marketing method that many people believe are a waste of time, however I do not. But I have a system. ;-) Here's how to do it:

1.-First, sign up for a free account with each ofrepparttar 124866 following URLs:

http:/ rafficg.com/index.php?member=genuineprofit








2.-Then, open up 8 separate browser windows on your computer (Ctrl + N).

Can one really get through those SPAM filters?

Written by Anubhav Sinha

The e-mail marketing scenario has certainly changed overrepparttar past year or so (the most significant changes beingrepparttar 124857 increase in e-mail blocking and filtering). These changes have resulted in updates to e-mail marketing best practices that all legitimate e-mail marketers should follow. The difference is that some of these practices are now required by law. An innumerable amount of SPAM complaints have forcedrepparttar 124858 law to enforce certain norms that should be complied to so as to keep your business out of disputes. Hence, there are certain precautions which are recommended to keep your marketing campaigns unblocked and onrepparttar 124859 other hand law friendly.

There are a couple of questions which need to be answered before you press that send button:

Are you using a good permission policy? Make sure you have a preexisting business relationship and/or affirmative consent i.e.repparttar 124860 recipient of your e-mail has made a purchase, requested information, responded to a questionnaire or a survey, or had off-line contact with you and that he/she has been clearly and fully notified ofrepparttar 124861 collection and use of his/her e-mail address and has consented prior to such collection and use.

Now, coming torepparttar 124862 "From" and "Subject" part ofrepparttar 124863 e-mail:

Does your "From" line include your company name or brand? Is your "Subject" linerepparttar 124864 right length? (5-8 words, 40 characters including spaces) Does your "Subject" line describe a specific benefit? Does your "Subject" line include your brand? Does your "Subject" line create a sense of urgency?

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