Dynamic Website Content

Written by Eric D. McClenon

Powerful, Affordable, Effective

This is powerful changing content for your Website, providing entertaining and useful information to everyone who visits your Website or Websites. In addition to added interest and repeat traffic for your Website or Websites, your Power Pointers Page is a powerful prospect-generating tool that's affordable and effective, providing your customers and prospects a valuable service they will thank you for, creating good will, generating increased traffic to your site, doubling or tripling repeat visits...and generating MORE SALES FOR YOU!

BBS Press Service, Inc. is here for our customers and we stand behind our service. We have over 18 years of experience in online publishing -- a feat only accomplished

Web Site Promotion - Getting Publicity

Written by Sinnge Eeyune

Web Site Promotion - Getting Publicity

Publicity, if handled properly, can get your web siterepparttar kind of promotion that cannot be bought, or at least not afforded. As a marketer, that is alwaysrepparttar 100863 goal of my publicity and PR efforts.

Here is a good example of web site promotion thatrepparttar 100864 site itself could not afford but managed to accomplish through publicity. A new web site is burgeoning to make it easier on those of us who have to deal withrepparttar 100865 horrors of parking at any one ofrepparttar 100866 nation's airports, www.AirportParkingReservations.com. This web site is designed to let people reserve a parking space at one of those little parking areas that always surround a major airport. Instead of renting advertising space inrepparttar 100867 country's newspapers their clever marketing and promotions people instead issued press releases torepparttar 100868 newspapers and other media. Several newspapers ran a short story aboutrepparttar 100869 web site in their travel section,repparttar 100870 Houston Chronicle being one of them.

Advertising inrepparttar 100871 Houston Chronicle is expensive, and worth it, if you can afford it. The Chronicle charges approximately $162 per square inch per day for ads. Sincerepparttar 100872 parking reservations web site story took up about 10 square inches they effectively received $1620 of free advertising in The Chronicle. This was notrepparttar 100873 only paper that picked up their story either. If just 10 newspapers ran their story, we can estimate that they saved $16,200.

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