Dumb Lamp.

Written by Aleksandr Kavokin MD/PhD


Here is a funny story an ENT resident told me sometime ago. It happened in the1st City Hospital in Moscow, Russia. It is actually a very good hospital in terms ofrepparttar staff experience. Thoughrepparttar 114530 buildings are 100 years old. Doesn't matter.

So,repparttar 114531 resident is on-call. It's midnight. Ambulance rolls in. A man: U-U-U, M-M-M. Something metal is sticking out of his mouth.

OK. It turnsrepparttar 114532 guy was at home. Probably drinking.

Those stories about Russians and vodka are partially true.


For example, I don't drink at all, even beer. Just don't drink. Though, Russians are different. We all are.

I knew some guys who drunk 3 bottles of vodka a day for week straight. Those stories about American colleges, where a student brags that seven people drunk a box of beer and vomited half night, are nothing.


Russia isrepparttar 114533 Land of Extreme.

Russians drink in company usually. It is considered not healthy to drink alone. Should be three.

Americans have their parties. Russians have their parties.

It's cold in Russia, you know. People are genetically healthier. So they can trash their bodies. To equalize.

Then they talk about soul, self-respect, and world-wide problems. About Africa, for example. Or about importance of Daosizm for international culture. The place of a human in Universe is also a favorite topic. Long night talk.

Again, not everybody drinks vodka in Russia. I don't. Never did. My father doesn't. My grandfathers and relatives don't'.

I heard Putin also doesn't drink much. Some wine during American visits. He prefers judo. That man inrepparttar 114534 hospital maybe was sober.

Anyway. In a company he bet he can put a light bulb into his mouth. This is why I say: Maybe.

So,repparttar 114535 bulb gets in. It's it.


It turns: it is easy to put a bulb into mouth, but it is difficult to get it out. The muscles locked in. Trismus. (Trismus is condition when your masseter muscle spasms. It happens in people with tetanus. Masseter muscle isrepparttar 114536 muscle that clench your jaws).

I actually do not know how to explain it exactly.

It seems there are some anatomical and physiological reasons.

The muscles that open your mouth are relatively weak. In contrastrepparttar 114537 masseter is very strong (Of course. You needed to crunch nuts and bones inrepparttar 114538 ancient past). So,repparttar 114539 opening muscles are probably tired first. But masseter is not tired. You can not getrepparttar 114540 bulb out unless you crunch it.

The Cure For Old Age

Written by Gerald Armstrong

You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

The Cure For Old Age

Did you know that aging begins at 30! And every second somewhere inrepparttar 114529 world someone turns 50! Andrepparttar 114530 quality of life forrepparttar 114531 average person stops at age 51. After that, it takes medical intervention to manage their symptoms to maintain their “health”. And only 1 in 10,000 people makes it to 100 years old… and a shocking proportion of those people who reachrepparttar 114532 age of 100 are very poor! “Aging is a barbarick phenomenon that shouldn’t be tolerated in polite society,” says University of Cambridge gerentologist Aubrey de Grey. I Gerald Armstrongrepparttar 114533 owner of Gen Cells Cures agree. The stem cell research including therapeutic cloning and genomics research needs to bo done now to accomplish our goal of findingrepparttar 114534 cure for old age.

Why doesn’t everyone wantrepparttar 114535 cure for old age? You tell me I simply don’t understand why more people don’t wantrepparttar 114536 cure for old age. So little money goes into research to cure old age that it’s a crying shame! Maybe it’s because people don’t believe it can be done. Sincerepparttar 114537 dawn of time there have always been critics and skeptics who sit atrepparttar 114538 sidelines and say it can’t be done or that we are pushing snake oil cures etc. Make no mistake about it Gen Cells Cures has our critics. Food for thought about skeptics and critics: The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits. Albert Einstein. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistingushable from magic. Arthur C. Clark. We can easily forgive a child who is afraid ofrepparttar 114539 dark;repparttar 114540 real tragedy of life is when men are afraid ofrepparttar 114541 light. Plato. Only two things are infinite,repparttar 114542 universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure aboutrepparttar 114543 former. Albert Einstein. Science commits suicide when it adopts a creed. Thomas Henry Huxley. In questions of science,repparttar 114544 authority of a thousand is not worthrepparttar 114545 humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei. Main stream scientists are sometimes afraid to get involved in serious gerentology for fear of being branded whackos. Well. let me give it to you straight fomrepparttar 114546 horses mouthrepparttar 114547 technologies are now here to dorepparttar 114548 job. They are in our very own hands. I want to remind you that when Neil Armstrong (I like to call him Uncle Neil) becamerepparttar 114549 first human to step foot onrepparttar 114550 moon, on July 20, 1969 I knew that humans would live to be 200 years old and beyond with just a little research. However since 1969 serious gerentology has been put onrepparttar 114551 back burner. Only inrepparttar 114552 past five years or so hasrepparttar 114553 science of gerentolgy began to accelerate withrepparttar 114554 discovery of stem cells, cloning and rapid advances in genomics. With todays science nothing is impossible.

Lets talk about 1969 for one second, Viet Nam, Flower Power, free love, a new generation, my generation, we thought we would live forever, and we didn’t trust any one over thirty. I was right there in Hait Ashbury. I knowrepparttar 114555 younger generations since then have envied our time and they should, it wasrepparttar 114556 life! Jimi Hendrix’s guitar was screaming “All Along The Watchtower” and we still had Elvis too! Well, I am a baby bomer and want some of it back. Yes, I am young for 55 but I can see what’s coming aroundrepparttar 114557 corner for me and my fellow hippies from 1969 (If they are still alive). And it isn’t pretty. No matter what generation your from, just stop and imagine for one moment what it would be like to have your youth back. Have you ever noticed how time flys like a jet airplane. Something has got to be done and we are going to do it right here inrepparttar 114558 labs at Gen Cell Cures.

How are we going to findrepparttar 114559 cure for old age?

Through stem cell research including therapeutic cloning and genomics research.The most difficult part ofrepparttar 114560 nearly unthinkable has already been done. Through therapeutic cloning technologies we can take a patients cell back torepparttar 114561 beginning of life. Now all that’s lacking is to perfect these technologies and take them fromrepparttar 114562 bench torepparttar 114563 patient. The Koreans human cloning experiments have openedrepparttar 114564 door wider on therapeutic cloning. We here at Gen Cells Cures have found thatrepparttar 114565 Korean’s new technique of squeezing outrepparttar 114566 DNA fromrepparttar 114567 egg cell works much better than sucking outrepparttar 114568 DNA with a tiny needle. Their cloning process was a spectacular achievememt.

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