Drugs and Violence In Public Schools

Written by Joel Turtel

Many public schools not only fail to educate our children, they can also be dangerous places. These schools are a natural breeding ground for drugs and violence. Children are packed into classrooms with twenty or more other immature children or teenagers, allrepparttar same age. Here, peer pressure becomes socialization, pushing many children into using drugs and alcohol.

Put twenty teenagers inrepparttar 144345 same room, or hundreds of teenagers inrepparttar 144346 same school, and you have a breeding ground for violence. Young boys and girls have raging hormones and budding sexuality, and male teenage testosterone levels are high. Teenagers are inrepparttar 144347 half-child, half-adult stage of life and often lack judgment and are emotionally immature.

Pack these teenagers together into cramped little classrooms, six to eight hours a day, and you have a mixture that can lead to trouble. It’s inevitable that violence will break out—it’s built intorepparttar 144348 system.

Also, evenrepparttar 144349 most conscientious teacher is usually too busy and overworked to give childrenrepparttar 144350 individual attention they need. Critics of home-schooling often say that home-schoolers don’t get proper socialization. However, so-called socialization in public schools is often cruel and violent. Bullying, peer pressure, racial cliques, sexual tensions, and competition forrepparttar 144351 teacher’s approval all create a stressful, sometimes violent environment.

Compulsory-attendance laws also contribute to violence inrepparttar 144352 schools. In most states, these laws force children to stay in school until they are sixteen years old or graduate high school. Teenagers who hate school, or are aggressive or potentially violent sociopaths, can’t leave. As a result, they often take out their hatred and aggression on other students. Those children want to learn are forced to endure bullying and violence by these troubled teens.

Also,repparttar 144353 law is onrepparttar 144354 side of violent or disruptive students who are classified as “disabled.” In 1975, Congress passedrepparttar 144355 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Based on this legislation, in 1988repparttar 144356 Supreme Court ruled that schools could not remove disruptive disabled children from classrooms without a parent’s consent. If parents don’t consent, teachers are out of luck. Those ‘disabled’ children who are socially impaired, can’t get along with other kids, or sometimes turn violent, therefore fall under this category. Of course, this adds yet another layer of potentially violent children who teachers can’t remove from class.

Vouchers --- Parents, Don't Depend On Them

Written by Joel Turtel

Vouchers, which give tax money to parents to pay for tuition in private schools, sound good in theory. The problem is that voucher programs are few and very far between. The Supreme Court declared vouchers constitutional in 2002, but currently only thirteen cities or states have created voucher or education tax credit programs.

Some of these voucher programs are tax credit programs, whether personal or corporate, and cover only a fraction of tuition costs. The voucher programs have various restrictions that limit their benefits to a relatively small number of children (such asrepparttar Florida programs that are limited to disabled students or to schools that get an ‘F’ grade). Also, many of these programs pay only part ofrepparttar 144344 tuition costs. Inrepparttar 144345 ‘tuitioning’ programs in Maine and Vermont, most eligible kids simply transfer to public schools in other towns. In effect, these programs barely scratchrepparttar 144346 surface —they only help a tiny fraction ofrepparttar 144347 approximately 45 million school children who now suffer through public-school education.

Also,repparttar 144348 education establishment, teacher unions, and most state and federal legislators inrepparttar 144349 Democratic party are against vouchers. Teacher unions fight voucher initiatives tooth and nail with lawsuits. Whenrepparttar 144350 unions take state voucher plans to court, these lawsuits can drag on for years. The voucher fight is going to be a long, bitter, ongoing legal battle between parents, states, andrepparttar 144351 teacher unions.

Also, most states today are running huge budget deficits. As a result, states are cutting back on programs already on their books, so they can hardly afford expensive new voucher programs. California had close to a $13 billion budget deficit (which they “closed” byrepparttar 144352 typical near-sighted trick of borrowingrepparttar 144353 money with new state bonds), Texas a $10 billion deficit, and New York about an $8 billion deficit.15 (these deficit numbers keep fluctuating, depending on which politician is citing which new study, butrepparttar 144354 deficits are huge).

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