Drive Your OWN Car Down the Information SuperHighway

Written by Rick Beneteau

aka: The "F" Theory

People are falling all over each other to fail onrepparttar Internet!

Notrepparttar 121640 usual introduction to a business article, but please hold that awful thought.

Having owned several successful businesses overrepparttar 121641 years, I've come to learn, and sometimesrepparttar 121642 hard way, that in order to realize ones financial goals, one must take complete control of their own destiny. Hence,repparttar 121643 title of this article. I also refer to this inrepparttar 121644 reverse asrepparttar 121645 "F" Theory:

Few Find Financial Freedom Following

Consider this: There are more "Secrets to Riches onrepparttar 121646 Internet" courses than there are individual entrepreneurs actually making a good living onrepparttar 121647 Web.

And, there are more make-the-money-and-run MLM scams successfully stalking prey onrepparttar 121648 Net than network marketers actually making a full time living at working legitimate programs.

I repeat: People are falling all over each other to fail onrepparttar 121649 Internet!

One would think that with this new wide-open global frontier calledrepparttar 121650 Internet that opportunity would abound and infinite possibilities would fillrepparttar 121651 computer screens of budding netrepreneurs.

Well it does. But only if you approach itrepparttar 121652 right way.

Success onrepparttar 121653 Internet CAN be yours but it may not takerepparttar 121654 form of what you are now expecting or in some soon-to-come advertisement or flash/shock, hype-heavy opportunity website that happens to be spammed in your face. In all likelihood, it won't even be something you search for in Yahoo or anywhere else.

Here's how it will happen for you:

* You will set your own course.

* You will choose your own speed.

* You will steer your own vehicle.

* You will winrepparttar 121655 race all by yourself.

It's really this simple. It reverts back to my "F" Theory, actually,repparttar 121656 positive affirmation of it:

You WILL Drive Your Own Car Downrepparttar 121657 Information Super Highway.

YOU will take control of your destiny. YOU will get behindrepparttar 121658 wheel and YOU will decide THE product that you want to offerrepparttar 121659 world. YOU will putrepparttar 121660 selling process in gear and bring YOUR product torepparttar 121661 attention ofrepparttar 121662 worldwide Internet marketplace. YOU will accept payment from YOUR customers and cut YOUR own paychecks, and not be dependant waiting a month or three for a commission check that may or may not arrive.

YOUR Product. YOUR customers. YOUR Sales. YOUR Business.

Sound far-fetched? Not at all. It's as simple as one decision.

Folks, JUST DECIDE TO DO IT! Once you decide,repparttar 121663 road of possibilities becomes as wide asrepparttar 121664 Web itself. And once you decide, everything you need will flow to your goal. I have lived this truth countless times in my life.

Putting Your Game Plan Together

Written by Lois R. Thompson

Are you shooting inrepparttar dark or do you have a well organized and effective game plan in place?

Lets say, you are planningrepparttar 121639 vacation of your dreams. You can pick any location you desire. Inrepparttar 121640 excitement of things you've gotten so caught up with being on this vacation and day dreaming about how you're going to be spending it, that you forget to make a detailed plan of it.

The departure date rolls around, you're all packed and ready to go. You arrive safely atrepparttar 121641 airport, only to realize that you don't have a clue which airline you're taking, what fight you are to be on, what gaterepparttar 121642 flight is departing from...and at this point not even sure if you should go to Vienna first or Geneva. This isrepparttar 121643 beginning of your fabulous dream vacation of a lifetime.

Of course you would never allow such a scenario for you dream vacation, yet, so many treat their business in just that manner...Lack of planning, disorganized and unproductive.

Putting your game plan together is a critical element to your success. Your game plan is simply your business plan. Consider your game plan foundation of your business. With out a foundation it cannot stand.

Your game plan is simply formulating a workable plan and then CONSISTENTLY working that plan. This will be one ofrepparttar 121644 most rewarding thing you'll ever do.

It will give you a sense of accomplishment because you will be able to clearly see repparttar 121645 fruits of your efforts. There is something that satisfiesrepparttar 121646 human nature in making a commitment, sticking with it, and seeingrepparttar 121647 results.

Most people who start a business online do so by leaping in, without any real commitment, a sense of direction or any real understanding ofrepparttar 121648 implications associated with success or failure. Many gain that understanding later, usually at a great cost.

Most ofrepparttar 121649 Web's "Newbie" is excited aboutrepparttar 121650 obvious potential of "Working Form Home...Income Potential", but doesn't have a clue about how to translate that potential into realized income. Onrepparttar 121651 other hand we have,repparttar 121652 Professional who has masteredrepparttar 121653 critical skills that bridgerepparttar 121654 huge gap between potential and reality.

Whilerepparttar 121655 Professionals is busy mastering his skills and reaping great wealth,repparttar 121656 Newbies most of whom are barely earning enough to maintain their online expenses, are becoming discouraged fromrepparttar 121657 lack of accomplishment and consequently jump form one bizop to another in utter frustration. Why? They are failing to work their plan because they don't have a plan.

Currently, I spend a good deal of time in New York where there are thousands of skyscrapers. Can you imagine ifrepparttar 121658 visionaries who developed those skyscrapers did not takerepparttar 121659 time to have developed a plan, a blue print, from which to have laidrepparttar 121660 foundation for each of those would have resulted in utter chaos. These same principles are true for your business. If it is to lastrepparttar 121661 test of time and achieve your goal, you will be required to lay your foundation.

So, get yourself a cup of tea, hitrepparttar 121662 reclines and get your note book ready, you're going to have to write this down. It has been scientifically proven that when things are written down it locks it in more than just thinking about it. The exercise of writing things down some how has a significant effect onrepparttar 121663 neurological body chemistry.

You game plan should be clear, simple and direct. It's focus should be on where you are going, when you will arrive there and by what means you will get there.

Are your ready now? Great! Let's get going!

Formulate Your Plan: Know thatrepparttar 121664 game plan you commit to will set you free if you take action and if you act with your best effort.

The your will be working backward from a long-term plan to a daily method of operation. You'll know exactly what you want and how you are going to get it.

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