Dreams or Dreamers? Part One

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

From my Encyclopedia.


“We are told by Herodotus that inrepparttar temple of Bel {This isrepparttar 122229 Keltic god known as Ba'al byrepparttar 122230 Phoenicians, Bel might have been in Babylon throughrepparttar 122231 Byblos city onrepparttar 122232 Persian Gulf that sold ships torepparttar 122233 Egyptians in 2900 BC. Later Byblus in Lebanon is thought to be what some [who try to limit Phoenician interest] call Byblos as a small part of a decreasing international influence.} in Babylon, a priestess lay on a bed ready to dream visions ofrepparttar 122234 second class, and thatrepparttar 122235 beds of such soothsayers were often made ofrepparttar 122236 skin of a ram --is well known.

The ancient Hebrews obtained such dreams by sleeping among tombs, and this especial gateway torepparttar 122237 supernatural world seems to have been, and still is known torepparttar 122238 majority of nations, primitive and civilized, as intimately as hypnosis and other methods of reaching its planes and hearing its pronouncements. Sleep was, of course, often induced by drugs, whetherrepparttar 122239 soma ofrepparttar 122240 Hindus,repparttar 122241 peyote ofrepparttar 122242 ancient Mexicans,repparttar 122243 hashish ofrepparttar 122244 Arabs, orrepparttar 122245 opium ofrepparttar 122246 Malays or Chinese, and these narcotics which haverepparttar 122247 property of inducing speedy sleep and of heightening inward vision were and still are greatly prized by professional dreamers alloverrepparttar 122248 world, especially as they rendered dreaming almost immediately possible.” (10)

'Professional dreamers' following visions from above and divining our future, quickly became willing to sell their advice to those who threatened them if they didn't. The dependence on such easy answers continues amongrepparttar 122249 mass of population ‘til this moment as 'experts' and politicians joinrepparttar 122250 media in a free for all. We believerepparttar 122251 breakdown in matriarchal influence and egalitarian governance created this cauldron of deceit inrepparttar 122252 Mediterranean afterrepparttar 122253 influx created byrepparttar 122254 rising waters that formedrepparttar 122255 North Sea due to glacial effects if not sooner, whenrepparttar 122256 northern 'Hyperboreans' colonizedrepparttar 122257 area. The issue of what is real about dreams is open for debate to sayrepparttar 122258 least but there are many who think they can interpretrepparttar 122259 chaos of these partial insights. Personally I enjoyrepparttar 122260 practice, if there is something positive to say but I regard 'free will' asrepparttar 122261 most important ingredient in what really makesrepparttar 122262 world 'go round'. William James and his book 'Pragmatism' was important to Carl Jung whose work in dream interpretation setsrepparttar 122263 stage for many symbolic and archetypal interpreters to this day.

"The first treatise onrepparttar 122264 subject was that of Artemidorus, who lived inrepparttar 122265 time of Antonius Pius. He differentiated betweenrepparttar 122266 dreams of kings and those of commoners, as he believed thatrepparttar 122267 visions of royalty must have reference torepparttar 122268 commonwealth {The Bible andrepparttar 122269 plagues predicted by Joseph, for example.} and not torepparttar 122270 individual {No reason in common sense or science to believe this. Carl Jung was a commoner who sawrepparttar 122271 First World War in advance. Tesla's vision led to many great and useful inventions - however dreams are seldom so vivid or what one can call 'flashes of illumination' - that is an entirely different phenomena.}. Dreams which represented something as happening torepparttar 122272 individual who dreams them, show that they have a personal significance, whereas ifrepparttar 122273 dream relates to another it will concern him alone. He detailedrepparttar 122274 numerous species of dreams throughout five books, and then adduced numerous examples. The rules of Artemidorus are far from clear, and according to them, any dream might signify any event, and any interpretation ofrepparttar 122275 same might be considered justifiable.

The method of testing dreams according to Amyraldus in his 'Discours sur les Songes divins' (Saumur, 1625) is whetherrepparttar 122276 instructions and advice that they contain make for good or ill--a test it is impossible to apply until afterrepparttar 122277 result is known. But Amyraldus surmounts this difficulty by proposing to test dreams byrepparttar 122278 evidence they show of divine knowledge--by asking oneself in short, whetherrepparttar 122279 dream it was desired to examine gave any evidence of such things as God alone could know.

It would seem from an examination of such dreams as were submitted torepparttar 122280 diviners of antiquity thatrepparttar 122281 symbolism they exhibited was of a character so profound that it could only be unriddled by an interpreter who received divine aid, such as was afforded inrepparttar 122282 case of Moses or Daniel inrepparttar 122283 Bible. It is plain, however, thatrepparttar 122284 most far-fetched interpretations were given to many ofrepparttar 122285 most epoch-making dreams of antiquity, and indeed,repparttar 122286 oneiocritical {Greek dream interpreters} system is one ofrepparttar 122287 weakest spots inrepparttar 122288 armor of occult science, and wasrepparttar 122289 first of its departments to fall into disrepute and becomerepparttar 122290 prey of charlatans.

Dreams or Dreamers? Part Two

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

This fossil fish recovery of information is good, but debunkers would say he was lucky orrepparttar dream was a fiction created to promote himself or his place of work. In many cases they are right about these suppositions, inrepparttar 122228 cases they are wrong they say no one can know for sure. Surely nothing is certain but reasonable judgement can be made when enough evidence supports it. Dreams are real; informational exchanges do occur across boundaries difficult to traverse physically, andrepparttar 122229 overwhelming experience of people is a great reason to say something is going on. How many people experience 'deja vu' or other psychic realities? Most do at some time in their life. Are we all crazy or isrepparttar 122230 scientists’ bent on ‘what can't be seen doesn't exist' crazier?

"The dream of Prof. Hilprecht,repparttar 122231 Babylonian scholar who vainly tried to decipher two small pieces of agate, is more complicated and belongs torepparttar 122232 clairvoyant order. {Working on decrees in dream state is a necessity for success. I have won cars, and had many answers to my decrees when they are right forrepparttar 122233 good of all. The car was a demonstration for others who I told I would win in a nationwide raffle for a whole month before it happened.} As reported inrepparttar 122234 'Proceedings' ofrepparttar 122235 Society for Psychical Research (August 1900) he went to sleep tired out in vain speculation and dreamed of a tall, thin priest ofrepparttar 122236 old pre-Christian Nippur who led him torepparttar 122237 treasure-chamber ofrepparttar 122238 temple and went with him into a small low-ceiled room without windows in which there was a large wooden chest, while scraps of agate and lapis-lazuli lay scattered onrepparttar 122239 floor.

Here he addressed him as follows: 'The two fragments which you have published separately belong together, and their history is as follows: King Kruigalzu (c.1300 BC.) once sent torepparttar 122240 temple of Bel, among other articles of agate and lapis-lazuli {Modern and ancient esoteric stone from which blue scarabs or beetles make great symbolic ritual and talismanic pieces.}, an inscribed votive cylinder of agate. Then we priests suddenly receivedrepparttar 122241 command to make forrepparttar 122242 statue ofrepparttar 122243 god Nidib a pair of ear rings of agate. We were in great dismay, since there was no agate as raw material at hand. In order for us to executerepparttar 122244 command there was nothing for us to do but cutrepparttar 122245 votive cylinder into three parts, thus making three rings, each of which contained a portion ofrepparttar 122246 original inscription. The first two served as ear rings forrepparttar 122247 statue ofrepparttar 122248 god;repparttar 122249 two fragments which have given you so much trouble are portions of them. If you will putrepparttar 122250 two of them together you will have a confirmation of my words.'

The continuation ofrepparttar 122251 story is given by Mrs. Hilprecht who testified to having seen Prof. Hilprecht jump out of bed, rush intorepparttar 122252 study and cry out: 'It is so, it is so.'

There are many authenticated cases of strange bits of information obtained in dreams. Professor William James was very deeply impressed byrepparttar 122253 Enfield case in whichrepparttar 122254 discovery ofrepparttar 122255 body of a drowned woman was affected through a dream of Mrs. Titus of Lebanon, a stranger torepparttar 122256 scene.

Prof. Charles Richet mentionedrepparttar 122257 following instance of dream cognition: 'I saw Stella onrepparttar 122258 2nd of December duringrepparttar 122259 day, and on leaving I said 'I am going to give a lecture on snake poison.' She at once replied: 'I dreamt last night of snakes, or rather of eels.' Then, without of course giving any reason {This story seems to be ESP.}, I asked her to tell me her dream, and her exact words were: 'It was about eels more than snakes, two eels, for I could see their white shining bellies and their sticky skin; and I said to myself I do not like these creatures, but it pains me when they are hurt.' This dream was strangely conformable to what I had donerepparttar 122260 day before December 1. On that day I had, forrepparttar 122261 first time in twenty years, experimented with eels. Desiring to draw from them a little blood, I had put them onrepparttar 122262 table and their white, shining, irridescent, viscous bellies had particularly struck me.'

An authenticated case of dream clairvoyance, possibly under spirit influence, isrepparttar 122263 following: Miss Loganson, a girl of Chicago, age nineteen, saw in a dreamrepparttar 122264 assassination of her brother, Oscar, who was a farmer of Marengo, about fifty miles northwest of Chicago. She was accusing a farmer neighbor named Bedford for days, without any attention being paid to her. At length she was permitted to send a telegram {Silly woman, trying to spend money foolishly!},repparttar 122265 reply to which was 'Oscar has disappeared.' Starting for Oscar's farm, accompanied by another brother and byrepparttar 122266 police she went directly torepparttar 122267 house of Bedford. Traces of blood were found inrepparttar 122268 kitchen. Proceeding torepparttar 122269 hen houserepparttar 122270 yard of which was pavedrepparttar 122271 girl said: 'My brother is buried here.' Owing torepparttar 122272 insistence ofrepparttar 122273 girl and her terrible agitation consent was given to dig. Underrepparttar 122274 pavement they first foundrepparttar 122275 brother's overcoat and five feet down they came uponrepparttar 122276 body. Bedford was arrested at Ellos, Nebraska and hanged in due course. Miss Loganson, in explanation, said thatrepparttar 122277 spirit of her brother haunted her continually for seven days in dream.

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