Dr Bob's Newsletter September 2004

Written by Robert Roy MD

Additional Treatment for Prostate Cancer May Enhance Improved Outcomes

A recent article inrepparttar Journal ofrepparttar 114621 American Medical Association showed improved survival in men who underwent a combination of androgen suppression and radiation therapies. Inrepparttar 114622 study of 206 men who had localized prostate cancer. This study is significant because ofrepparttar 114623 shortened time of male hormone sup- pression. There are numerous side effects with long term suppression. When compared with radiation alonerepparttar 114624 combination therapy improved survival from 78% to 88%. Dr Bob's Take: this was a well conducted study and may be a landmark study. It may berepparttar 114625 basis of a new treatment method for men with prostate cancer which is localized. A larger study though is still needed to be sure these results can be duplicated.

MRI Screening for Breast Cancer

A recent article inrepparttar 114626 New England Journal of Medicine showed that MRI screening for women who are at high risk for breast cancer was much better. High risk was defined as those women who had family history of breast cancer and those who are genetically predisposed with positive BRCA tests. Inrepparttar 114627 study 1900 womenrepparttar 114628 study picked up 51 women with breast cancer of which 20 were not detected by routine mammograms or breast examinations. The women were followed on average for 2.9 years. Dr Bobs Take: This is both good news and bad. The good news is that another diagnostic method is starting to be used for high risk women. The bad news is there are many false positive results. False positive is where there is an abnormality thought to be a tumor but turns out it wasn't. Routine mammograms have much less false positives. Also,repparttar 114629 MRI techniques vary widely from center to center.

Drug + Therapy Combo Best for Teen Depression

A major study has proved that a combination of counseling therapy and anti depressants are much better than either alone. This was a study done through Duke University. There were 439 children age 12 -17 y.o. There was less suicide tendency withrepparttar 114630 combination. Dr Bobs Take: I would agree in my experiencerepparttar 114631 combined counseling and medication work best for teens inrepparttar 114632 high risk for suicide.

Flu Vaccine Will Be Late

About half ofrepparttar 114633 flu vaccine will be late reaching doctors offices. One ofrepparttar 114634 two manufacturers, Chiron Corp, has had contamination problems and is destroying about one million doses. Guidelines for receiving Flu vaccine are: 1. People 65 years and older; 2. Those with chronic lung (including asthma), heart, diabetes, HIV/Aids or undergoing chemotherapy; 3. People in nursing homes; 4. Children 6 months or older who have chronic heart or lung conditions; 5. Children or adults who have been hospitalized duringrepparttar 114635 previous year; 6. Children 6 months to 18 years of age who are on long-term aspirin therapy; 7. Women who will be pregnant during flu season; 8. All children 6 month to 23 months of age; 9. People 54 ? 64 y.o.; 8. People living with those withrepparttar 114636 chronic diseases listed above.

Dr Bobs Take: those who are at high risk (# 1 to 4) should be vaccinated early (October). For those you should make an appointment with your physician NOW. By end of November or mid December everyone who needs it should be your vaccinnated.

Causes of Heart Attacks In a study presented by Dr Yusuf torepparttar 114637 European Cardiology Conference showed that up to 90% of all heart attacks can be found to be caused by one or more of these factors. 1. Smoking 2. Abnormal cholesterol 3. Diabetes 4. High blood pressure 5. Stress 6. Abdominal obesity 7. Sedentary lifestyle 8. Eating too few fruits and vegetables 9. Abstaining from alcohol Dr Bobs Take: we finally have a study that gives usrepparttar 114638 reasons for 90% of heart attacks. Until now it has been thought that these factors only accounted for about 54% of heart attacks. We can now take control of these factors and work on reducing them.

How Good Is Your Health?

Written by Eric L. Huntley

It is a question we must ask ourselves continually if we want to live a healthy life. Your health is your most prized possession. Without good health your whole life suffers.

When wasrepparttar last time you really thought about your health? Last week last month or maybe never it is something we must consider. When it comes to our health we takes a lot of things for granted. We take better care of our cars than we do our own bodies. That car is replaceable your body is not.

It is not enough just to eat good foods and exercise anymore. They are important, but clearly notrepparttar 114620 whole equation. How many stories have we heard of athletes dying suddenly? Athletes are supposed to berepparttar 114621 epitome of good health!

Our bodies are bombarded daily with innumerable microbes and toxins that continually try to destroy our health. We continue to hear news reports of some virus that cannot be killed with antibiotics. Question: what are we to do? Answer: boost our immune systems.

Our day-to-day survival depends onrepparttar 114622 state of our immune systems. Poor nutrition, stress, exposure to toxins etc., all hurt immune function. New research strongly suggests that undetected microbes can live inrepparttar 114623 body for years causing everything from heart disease to obesity.

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