Dr Bob's Medical News Aug 20004

Written by Robert Roy MD

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Warning on Salmon - another toxin Strept Vaccine - hope forrepparttar future Mom's Influence on their Children As Adults Breast Cancer - more is known


Warning On Salmon from: Environment Science And Technology

Traces of a fire retardant have been found in both wild and farm raised salmon. The study went on to say that wild fish were less contaminated than farm raised.

The toxicity ofrepparttar 114559 chemicals, called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) isn’t fully understood at this time. The presence ofrepparttar 114560 chemicals raises concerns of health officials. It is known that PBDEs can harmrepparttar 114561 neurological development of young children and babies.

It's unclear exactly howrepparttar 114562 PBDEs leach out of products, but they've have been turning up in everything from household dust to women's breast milk. The study shows more evidence of this chemicals climbing uprepparttar 114563 food change.

Dr Bob’s Take: Once again we are seeing more environmental implication on our food supply. Mercury is better known. More study is needed but until then I would limit this fish in young children to maybe no more than once a week or once every other week. And we need to be more aware of our environment.

A Strept Vaccine

Yes, scientists are making progress in developing a vaccine againstrepparttar 114564 infamous streptococcus Group A. This isrepparttar 114565 same bacteria that give us strept throat andrepparttar 114566 so called flesh eating disease of which there are about 9,000 cases a year with a high death rate.

The study ofrepparttar 114567 vaccine on just 28 people showed that protection againstrepparttar 114568 strept bacteria did occur. More studies will need to be done to prove not onlyrepparttar 114569 effectiveness but also that there are no serious complications.

Dr Bob’s Take: work on a vaccine has been going on for over 50 yrs and this study bodes well. It does because ofrepparttar 114570 millions of strept throats which if not treated can give rise to kidney disease or rheumatic heart disease in a small percentage of children. Thankfully these complications are not common. A vaccine will be very helpful to all of us.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quick read - on Health And Fitness And Benefits --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It’s Proven Mom’s Have A Strong Role In Shaping Their Childs Family Roles

Depending onrepparttar 114571 role ofrepparttar 114572 mother,repparttar 114573 son and/or daughter will take on different roles as they mature to adults. For example, college aged men will expect to do more child care if their moms were employed. Onrepparttar 114574 other hand, if their mom’s were homemakers they would expect their wives to be tending afterrepparttar 114575 home and children.

Cranberry Juice To The Rescue

Written by Jeannie Crabtree

Cranberry Juice To The Rescue

Learn aboutrepparttar health enhancing benefit of Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice was first made by American settlers in 1683. It is a love it or hate it beverage. For those who like it, it has a number of health benefits. Let me share some of those.

Emulsifies Fat.

This is for all of you that have some excess fat to lose. According to Nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S., Cranberry juice contains high levels of organic acids, which have an emulsifying effect upon fat deposits. She generally suggests it along with some flax seed or flax seed oil.

Urinary infections

When it comes to urinary tract infections caused by a strain of E coli bacteria, cranberry juice compounds may help. Some ofrepparttar 114558 compounds inrepparttar 114559 juice blockrepparttar 114560 bacteria from sticking torepparttar 114561 cells inrepparttar 114562 body, so thatrepparttar 114563 body can more easily flushrepparttar 114564 bacteria out.

Respiratory Infections

Study results in 2002 suggest that cranberry juice may inhibit a type of bacteria that is a common cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. This is according to researchers atrepparttar 114565 annual meeting ofrepparttar 114566 Infectious Diseases Society of America.

In this study it was found that cranberry juice can inhibit certain strains of Haemophilus influenzae, a type of bacteria found inrepparttar 114567 nose and throat of 75% of healthy children and adults. The bacteria can also cause infections, and may be responsible for up to 40% of bacterially-derived middle ear infections.

In this study,repparttar 114568 researchers found thatrepparttar 114569 juice could prevent certain strains ofrepparttar 114570 bacteria from sticking to red blood cells or mouth cells, a step that can allowrepparttar 114571 bacteria to linger inrepparttar 114572 body. It seemed thatrepparttar 114573 juice inhibitedrepparttar 114574 bacteria's pili,repparttar 114575 hair-like structures that allow them to adhere to surfaces. The juice had no effect on strains of Haemophilus influenzae that lacked pili.

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