Double Your Living

Written by David Wood

I want you to knowrepparttar beauty of life. I want you to AWAKEN, and see that people want to connect with you. I want you to finally realize how desperately you want to connect with other human beings, and then to distinguish, to see clearly,repparttar 128754 100 barriers we accidentally, and deliberately put up to stop that happening! At core most of us are raised believing we are bad. Unfortunately, if this is true, we are also surrounded by people feelingrepparttar 128755 SAME. The fact that intimacy DOES occur onrepparttar 128756 planet COULD be referred to by some as a miracle. If one scared human being looks like actually getting close to us,repparttar 128757 fear of BEING SEEN, and consequently being REJECTED leads to instant barriers. I believerepparttar 128758 purpose of life is to find those barriers and bring them down. But that won't happen today..... I want you to get to know, how scared you are, and love yourself for it. Then I want you to realize how scared everyone else is, and laugh atrepparttar 128759 joke. (You walk into a party and head torepparttar 128760 kitchen - safe fromrepparttar 128761 scary people! - but they're feelingrepparttar 128762 same way! It's a joke!) But you won't get to know this - to really know this - today. I want you to remember with joyrepparttar 128763 most intimate, loving experiences of your life, and then imagine them tripled. Imagine them tripled in intensity, and imagine having them five - times - more - often! (That's FIFTEEN timesrepparttar 128764 intimacy and love forrepparttar 128765 mathematicians out there). Imagine lying on your death bed, surrounded by loved ones, breathing 'I have truly lived, like few have lived before me'. Imagine them saying at your funeral: 'This woman, or this man, will be remembered for truly opening up to others. For truly seeing people and loving them as they are. And! For first finding out what it took to love her self, so that she could love others.' Is that all I want? No. I want you to be so uninhibited byrepparttar 128766 thinking of others, that self expression becomesrepparttar 128767 NORM for you! We've been conditioned sincerepparttar 128768 age of quash our impulses. Our natural desires are now strained through filters so fine, so powerful, and so automatic, that perhaps -out of TEN, only 1-3 of our natural impulses make it through torepparttar 128769 outside world. Is that possible? Could we be 30% expressed? Who has ever feltrepparttar 128770 impulse to hug someone, or kiss someone, or compliment someone, and held back? I hadrepparttar 128771 strong impulse to hug my gardener! But it felt "INAPPROPRIATE". But who knows how she would have felt? Who knows how that could have impacted her whole day, and who she might have hugged? It was a natural desire which never got expressed. Inappropriate. How many INAPPROPRIATES do you have in your life?

Truth Telling

Written by David Wood

"Every with-hold you have from someone, is a brick inrepparttar wall between you." Do you tellrepparttar 128753 truth? What percentage ofrepparttar 128754 time? 100%? Or 90%? And when you do tellrepparttar 128755 truth, do you tell 100% of it? Or 90%? "You look great". "I don't mind". "Yes, sex is good". "Everything's fine at home". "I'm sorry". "I didn't mean to". "Something came up". And what aboutrepparttar 128756 truths we don't say -repparttar 128757 "with- holds"? "I'm really upset that you canceled on me". "I don't feel respected by you". "I lie to you so you'll like me". "I'm worried if I tell yourepparttar 128758 truth you'll be angry". "It's important to me that you be on time". You're either tellingrepparttar 128759 truth, lying, or with-holding. Even most of us withrepparttar 128760 best intentions DO NOT tell 100% ofrepparttar 128761 truth, 100% ofrepparttar 128762 time. Why? We CAN'T tellrepparttar 128763 whole truth - about what we want, how we feel, what we love, what we hate. Because we need people to like us, to love us, to accept us, to want to hang around us. "If I told Jill she needs a wash, she'd be upset, or even freak out". "If I told Bill I'm not enjoying sex, we'd both be embarrassed, and he might leave me". So we get to protect, hide-out, manipulate, and control. The Irony If we don't tellrepparttar 128764 truth, people CAN'T love us! The only way we can really be loved - really be accepted, is to show who we are. To be who we are. Only THEN, once you are truly seen, is it possible for someone to acceptrepparttar 128765 real you. If we instead show a "front" ("No, no - it's OK that you're late"), they can only like, love, acceptrepparttar 128766 "front"! Then we feel more alone than ever, and maybe even resentful. And consider this: if you don't show who you ~really~ are, how willrepparttar 128767 beautiful souls onrepparttar 128768 planet who are looking for ~you~, find you? They'll see your "front", and move on! In "The Truth About Relationships", Greg Baer says: "Only when I tellrepparttar 128769 truth can I be clearly seen by others. Only then can I feel ~accepted~ by them and feel that they genuinely care about my happiness (Real Love). I createrepparttar 128770 opportunity to be loved when I tellrepparttar 128771 truth about myself." So there it is. How do we be who we really are? How do we give peoplerepparttar 128772 chance to see us, to acceptrepparttar 128773 "real me"? Risky, but simple: Tellrepparttar 128774 Truth. When we Tellrepparttar 128775 Truth I recently hadrepparttar 128776 opportunity to dig deep, and reveal a very uncomfortable truth. I was developing a nice friendship with a very beautiful woman, and at a certain point, had a "flash": one reason I was drawn to beautiful women in particular, was that love/affection/acceptance from ~this~ group of human beings, felt valid and important - I let it in. However, affection from people I didn't find physically attractive, I tended to devalue. Let's get right down to it - "I could be using her to feel important!!???". While I wasn't proud of this view, and am committed to moving past it, at that moment it was part of who I am, and I risked sharing it with her.

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