Don’t Waste A Dime On Pay-Per-Click!

Written by Grady Smith

Pay per click search engines are a way to get hundreds of targeted hits to your site quick. But in our hurry to bring hordes of visitors ready to spend their money we sometimes overlook what we’re trying to accomplish.

We need to maximize our click throughs, and pay less for each visit. So, following is my checklist of five sure-fire ways to get more bang for your pay per click buck.

1) Avoid FREE!

Usually when I’m producing classified ads I’ll userepparttar word FREE. It’s a powerful way to get people to your sales letter.

But if you’re using pay-per-click, your objective isn’t massive traffic. You want buyers, not freebie hunters. Don’t give them a reason to visit you other than your product. Even let them know that they’ll be spending some money when they land on your site so you separaterepparttar 121466 buyers from browsers.

2) Give Them Your Offer!

Tellrepparttar 121467 reader in your search listing what you’re offering. An ebook? A toolkit? Tell them inrepparttar 121468 body of your listing so they know what they’re clicking through to get. Don’t waste click throughs by stating that your product isrepparttar 121469 answer for everyone.

3) Use A PPC Manager!

Pay per click managers show you when there’s a gap between your bid andrepparttar 121470 next bid.

Why Your Newsletter Must Get A Personality Today!

Written by Michael Green

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Newsletters That Rock! Why Your Newsletter Must Get A Personality Today!

By Michael Green


Newsletters are becoming ever more popular. Not surprising – since all editors know that they are a tried and tested method for both disseminating information and subtly (and quite frequently blatantly) promoting any product or service. In short, newsletters work for their owners.

IT’S A CROWDED WORLD OUT THERE. Butrepparttar Internet and Email (as well as lower print production costs) have meant thatrepparttar 121465 number of newsletter Titles is growing at breakneck speed!

And with new Titles being published byrepparttar 121466 hour - covering just about every subject underrepparttar 121467 sun -repparttar 121468 market is getting pretty jam-packed out there.

So how are you going to ensure that your newsletter doesn’t get crowded-out? How will you guarantee that your publication gains and develops a truly loyal readership, when they could so easily be distracted by your competitors’ newsletter offerings?

The answer?


Or to put it more accurately, you actually need to allow your own personalityrepparttar 121469 space to shine through and dominate your written publication.

You see, when somebody meets you face-to-face they are quickly presented with (and pick up on) your personality traits and this makes you instantly memorable. Even when you have a conversation onrepparttar 121470 phone, you naturally give over a whole range of characteristics that mean that you’ll likely be remembered inrepparttar 121471 future.

But once you’re in writing, particularly if it’s inrepparttar 121472 form of a plain text email, then you’ve got to fight harder to have your personality shine through.

Andrepparttar 121473 stakes couldn’t be higher. If you fail to impress your readers, then they will quickly forget all about you and move onto your competition. Butrepparttar 121474 *best* way to distinguish yourself is to let your personality leap atrepparttar 121475 reader, right offrepparttar 121476 page or screen!

Now many newsletter editors face a problem that they are more accustomed to writing somber business documents than publishing a lively and memorable read.


Think about your favorite newspaper. Maybe it’srepparttar 121477 New York Times, USA Today or some local paper that you buy weekly. Somewhere in that paper there will be a columnist that you probably turn to and read week-in week-out. Why? Because you feel you knowrepparttar 121478 characteristics ofrepparttar 121479 writer. You understand where they’re coming from, on a whole range of issues. You either empathize with their views or readrepparttar 121480 column because it makes you angry and you enjoyrepparttar 121481 controversy.

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