Don’t Let Negative Programming Create Your Reality

Written by Anita Foley

What have you been programmed to believe? Throughout your life, you have been programmed by your parents, your friends, your siblings, and yourself. Programming occurs as a result of repeated actions or messages. This programming creates your beliefs, your beliefs guide your actions, and your actions create your reality. Positive programming results in optimistic beliefs and gratifying realities. For instance, if you were programmed, when you were six years old, to thinkrepparttar tooth fairy would give you a quarter for your tooth, you probably believed it. The result of this belief was most likely a gratifying experience. You were programmed by your parents, friends, or siblings to think there was a tooth fairy and you believed it. This belief guided your actions and you put your tooth underrepparttar 124061 pillow. This action createdrepparttar 124062 gratifying reality, (i.e., you got your quarter!) Unfortunately, not all programming results in beliefs as benevolent asrepparttar 124063 tooth fairy. Negative programming results in detrimental beliefs and disappointing realities. If you were programmed by your parents, friends, or siblings to think it is too risky to start your own business, you probably believe it. This belief guides your actions and you stay at your job. This action creates your disappointing reality, (i.e., you get a limited paycheck and give half of it to Uncle Sam.)

Let's Get Positive

Written by Anita Foley

It seems that lately I’ve been reading an awful lot of articles in e-zines aboutrepparttar difficulty of doing business online. They talk about allrepparttar 124060 hype, allrepparttar 124061 scams, allrepparttar 124062 lies and false promises. They talk about allrepparttar 124063 worthless web sites, loaded with affiliate links, promising millions and delivering nothing. They talk aboutrepparttar 124064 undeliverable and returned e-mail,repparttar 124065 fake addresses,repparttar 124066 junk mail andrepparttar 124067 spam. They talk about server problems, software problems, hardware problems, too many ads, too many viruses, not enough content, lost messages, lost lists, lost customers, and lost dreams!

SHEESH! All this negative stuff really makes ME want to do business online! How about you?

I’d like to take a moment here and tell you about some ofrepparttar 124068 POSITIVE stuff that has happened in my life since I started doing business online.

First of all, I’ve learned, for FREE, more about marketing, promotion, and ad writing than I could have learned for $80,000 at an Ivy League school. I’ve learned more about human nature than I could have learned if I’d become a psychiatrist. I’ve encountered bothrepparttar 124069 folks who create elaborate schemes to rip people off andrepparttar 124070 ones who do an honest business online. It has been a valuable learning experience in both instances.

I’ve learned that you don’t have to create something new or re-inventrepparttar 124071 wheel to make money online. You can join an affiliate program to get started with your first business. I’ve learned that wealth can happen, and that it CAN happen to me!

I’ve learned that my college economics professor was wrong when he said, “there’s no such thing as a free lunch.” You really CAN advertise online for free, and there is NO catch!

I’ve also made more friends and business acquaintances onrepparttar 124072 Internet than I’ve made in my 30 years of working in corporate jobs. It’s amazing how many friendly, helpful people there are out there. I’ve been able to help people out as well, which has been extremely satisfying.

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