Don't Punish Yourself Doing (Type X) Business

Written by Amin Khan

Are you type X or type Y?

Don't worry, it ain't gonna hurt you until you really understand what you should be? Type X, or Type Y!

In today's hyper-competitive world, there's no better way to live your dreams than to have your own online business burnt into your prospect's mind.

In September 2000, when I decided to launchrepparttar website early next year i.e, February 2001, I had couple of other different projects to do as well.

I knew if I get myself engaged in getting into those projects with this one, I might not concentrate on this site.

And I was right. My four years online experience have shown that concentrating on a SINGLE business platform isrepparttar 106784 key to success.

No jokes. There are basically two school of thoughts that govern success onrepparttar 106785 Net. One is short term,repparttar 106786 other is long term. It's upto you which school of thought fits you most.

The first school of thought (Type X) calls for having number of online businesses in a portfolio. The idea is to have cyber-income from any, or all of these businesses in a portfolio.

If one business fails,repparttar 106787 second one is in-line. If second fails, third is there to save you from dooms day. And on.. and on.. and on. Nevertheless, this approach is rather short term, and rarely result in a continuous stream of online profits. There are reasons for this as we shall explore more in a moment.

As withrepparttar 106788 web, it seems quite reasonable and profitable to have multiple cash generating businesses working 24x7 on autopilot producing unlimited income.

This sort of business idea creates a beautiful castle inrepparttar 106789 wanna-be entrepreneur's mind which he/she carries there until it gets vandalized.

However, that's notrepparttar 106790 way it goes... there's another way of doing business, and a real good one which is a sure-fire way to make things BIG... really BIG onrepparttar 106791 Net.

The second school of thought (Type Y) isrepparttar 106792 WAY that helped people make online fortunes. This approach runs on a long term basis, and build a strong and powerful web presence for you which never fails. Doubts? Read on...

This second school of thought states that you have a single online business (must be niche based) that creates a brand recognition for you.

Top 7 Mastery Principles to Building a $1,000,000+ Enterprise

Written by Denise Corcoran

Are you aware ofrepparttar single ** most powerful ** asset in your business? Is it money? Is it employees? Is it your credentials or intellectual knowledge? Is it your products or services?

No, actually, it is none of these. Your single most important business asset is your MIND ... more specifically, your mindset.

Your business only grows as quickly as you, your mind and your thinking do. If you want to create a $1,000,000+ business, you must think like a $1,000,000+ business owner. You must in your mind’s eye already BE a $1,000,000 business owner.

The seven mindset principles below are crucial to building a $1,000,000+ business. Print this list, and refer to it often. Devoting as little as 15-30 minutes per day to shifting your mindset is THE single best investment in building your $1,000,000+ enterprise.


Great companies and great business leaders do great things that leave a lasting legacy and make this world a better place for you and me. Such leaders create CAUSES, not businesses. If you want to get torepparttar 106783 $1,000,000+ level in your business, you must have at its core a “transcendent” purpose for its existence - a purpose that bigger than yourself and your own self-interests.

Viktor Frankl,repparttar 106784 great Austrian psychiatrist, said it best: “Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue ... asrepparttar 106785 unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.” What isrepparttar 106786 transcendent purpose of your business? How can you make your business a vehicle for making a difference in your customers’ lives? 2. THE PRINCIPLE OF HIGH PROBABILITY THINKING

Whatever you focus on, that is what you will multiply in your business. If you focus onrepparttar 106787 problem, you will get more ofrepparttar 106788 problem. If you focus on finding a solution,repparttar 106789 door will open to more solutions. Wherever your attention is, will drive your most probable outcome. Where is your attention right now in your business - onrepparttar 106790 problem or onrepparttar 106791 solution?? How must you shift your attention in your business to get torepparttar 106792 $1,000,000+ level?


What you think , you magnetize and attract. Your ** thoughts ** make your business and your world. Eg., if you are attracting low income producing or difficult customers, your beliefs about your income worthiness or aboutrepparttar 106793 kind of clientele that will want your products/services are attracting such marginal customers. Your business is **always** a mirror of your own inner thinking.

To go torepparttar 106794 next level in your business, you must first get torepparttar 106795 next level in your mind. You must knowrepparttar 106796 value you offer and raise your mental sights onrepparttar 106797 kind of customers you want to attract. What challenges do you have in your business currently? How do they mirror back to you your thinking?

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