Don't Make Them Regret Buying What You're Selling!

Written by David Russ

Most people don't know whatrepparttar real definition of marketing is. In general, they mistake marketing as being synonymous with advertising, sales, or promotion.

Marketing is a highly evolved science of making a profit from transactions. It is, in fact, a very broad term. Whether you work for a business, a nonprofit organization, a services organization, or an organization that sells goods,repparttar 121897 definition of marketing isrepparttar 121898 same: It'srepparttar 121899 process of identifying consumer wants or needs and then identifying ways of meeting those wants or needs at a profit torepparttar 121900 marketer.

MARKETING ISN'T JUST PROMOTING AND SELLING! Why is it important to understandrepparttar 121901 definition of marketing? It's because we often think that all we have to do is promote a product and it will sell.

However, as whatrepparttar 121902 definition of marketing points out, marketing involves first finding out what people need before figuring out how to get them to buy a product.

THE 4Ps OF MARKETING! In order to fully understandrepparttar 121903 definition of marketing, marketers often break down its definition into what is known asrepparttar 121904 "4 Ps of Marketing."

The 4Ps are:

- Product - Place - Promotion - Price

It'srepparttar 121905 marketer's job to find or inventrepparttar 121906 product to be sold, plan ways to get it to a particular place (distribution or logistics), promote it to its target audience, and determine repparttar 121907 price it should be sold at.

IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THE CUSTOMERS! Why do marketers takerepparttar 121908 4P approach? This is because marketing is based onrepparttar 121909 concept of customer retention. This concept states that customers who are happy withrepparttar 121910 product they receive will come back again and or tell their friends aboutrepparttar 121911 product. This is very important because estimates for most industries state that it costs at least five times as much to find new customers as it does to retain current customers.


Written by Gary Onks

There are now more Senior Consumers than Baby Boomers, Young Adult or Teenage consumers inrepparttar marketplace.

Seniors control 79% of America's Financial Assets. Seniors spend $14 BILLION on gifts for their grandkids alone!

When you think of "senior citizens" do you think of Uncle Milty sitting in his flannel robe, watching endless reruns of Jeopardy and shoutingrepparttar 121896 answers atrepparttar 121897 TV?


George W. Bush (the President) is a senior. So is Harrison Ford. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one and even Hillary Clinton is too.

The fact is that every 7 seconds someone in America turns 50. That makes seniorsrepparttar 121898 fastest growing segment ofrepparttar 121899 population. What makesrepparttar 121900 over 50 crowd so special is that they have money to spend ... and they're eager to spend it. On average, they have over 26% more disposable income than other consumers, making themrepparttar 121901 most affluent consumer group inrepparttar 121902 land.

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