"Don't Go In" Download the New Story Twist and Ending.

Written by LH Publications and Productions

Have you read "Don't Go In" from Laura Hickey's children's book "Mysterious Chills and Thrills"? Did you thinkrepparttar ending should be different or did

Interview with Laura Hickey- Author of Mysterious Chills and Thrills for Kids

Written by LH Publications and Productions

Read an interview withrepparttar creator ofrepparttar 128452 children's book -Mysterious Chills and Thrills for Kids. Ten Short Stories to Ticklerepparttar 128453 Imagination.

How long have you been writing?

I've been writing for about 12 years now, mostly fiction. I've written non-fiction and poetry and I'm interested in writing non-fiction inrepparttar 128454 future. I also write articles on writing.

How did you become involved with writing for children?

Growing up, I loved reading short story fiction and I like writing SCI-FI, fantasy stories for younger readers. Writing your characters that are usually kids, they end up in wackier adventures, which makes writing fun!

Why did you write Mysterious Chills and Thrills?

I wrote Mysterious Chills and Thrills because I love to write, love fiction and I wanted to write a book. I decided to take my writings and create a book in hopes that others who read my work, not only enjoy my stories...but can apply some situations to their own life.

Where do you get your ideas from?

This is a question often asked...I personally get my ideas from some odd places, for example...I wrote one of my stories based off of a necklace that I once had. Usually my stories start to form when I see something, whether it's a person, place or thing and I start to image different adventures happening. Oncerepparttar 128455 story starts to form, my imagination takes off and most ofrepparttar 128456 time...I'm not sure how my stories are going to end because I'm constantly thinking of different endings.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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