Don't Forget Research Time

Written by Robert Nixon

Don't Forget Research Time

Robert Nixon

You should rememberrepparttar internet was made as a research tool. The whole concept is for someone to 'get onrepparttar 116452 internet' to find something.

Whether that 'something' is your website or not, they will spend some time investigating, checking various results until they have determined their 'quest' is over.

I recently checked my site stats given me by my hosting company and found many hits and page views were coming from search engines. Each engine is listed, along withrepparttar 116453 search term used andrepparttar 116454 page of my domain that was returned inrepparttar 116455 search.

Most of these had been directed to a newsletter page.

I had not submitted my newsletter pages separately, nor have I ever submitted my 'newsletter list' page torepparttar 116456 engines, but there it was !!

I do, however, write articles and submit them to various places that look for articles.

You may have what they are looking to find on your website but they may never see is because you have not spentrepparttar 116457 time to submit your information as an article. Even testimonials count.

Here are some rules you may want to follow:

1. Write about something you know about. You don't have to be an expert, all you have to say is " in my opinion", or " I have observed".

2. Don't try and disguise an advertisement as your article, you can do that in another way atrepparttar 116458 end inrepparttar 116459 'Aboutrepparttar 116460 author' tag. Besides, this isrepparttar 116461 ONLY place you can do so that will be allowed byrepparttar 116462 editors.

3. Allow others to use your articles as 'content' for their newsletters, etc. As long asrepparttar 116463 'Aboutrepparttar 116464 author' remains intact.

4. Save your newsletter summary page as a separate page in your domain.

5. If it is categorized by month save each month as a separate page in your domain.

6. Save your articles on their a separate page in your domain.

Whatrepparttar 116465 results will show isrepparttar 116466 title ofrepparttar 116467 page returned byrepparttar 116468 engine and a few words, normallyrepparttar 116469 first 25 or so, that follow, with a 'hyperlink' forrepparttar 116470 researcher to 'click' on to see your page done for you pointing torepparttar 116471 title page given asrepparttar 116472 result.

How do you benefit?

First: You had to do nothing for someone to be directed to your site as far as promoting. All you had to do is followrepparttar 116473 steps above ( 4,5,6 ), and follow your normal procedure of insuring you have 'tags' correctly inserted when you createdrepparttar 116474 page.

The Human Side of Ad Tracking: How to Use Emails to Connect With Your Customers and Find Out Why They Really Bought

Written by Jeff Mulligan

Do you know why people buy from you?

What part of your offer put them overrepparttar edge? Let's face it, you worked for a long time on your sales copy. You created bonuses, designed a guarantee, sweated overrepparttar 116451 benefits and how to communicate them. But which of those factors really connect withrepparttar 116452 buyers? What actually motivatedrepparttar 116453 purchase?

If you knew, you could pump uprepparttar 116454 benefits andrepparttar 116455 parts of your offer that really drive sales. But how can you tell?

Actually, it's very easy. You just ask.

I do it every day and it takes me virtually no time or effort to get unbelievable information. How?

I add a simple email to my autoresponder series immediately after a customer purchases.

Here's what mine says:

Sample Email Request ==================================== Hi {firstname},

It's Jeff here, from CBmall.

I'm doing a bit of market research.

Can you tell me how you found out about CBmall? Was it a Newsletter? Ad? Search engine? Do you remember who referred you?

Or perhaps you were readingrepparttar 116456 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You Money?

And what specifically made you decide to makerepparttar 116457 investment? What wasrepparttar 116458 benefit that put you overrepparttar 116459 edge and turned you into a buyer?

This is important, because soon you will be sending traffic torepparttar 116460 mall and this may helprepparttar 116461 CBmall sales information get better. Which will help you make more money!

Please just reply to this email withrepparttar 116462 answers.

Thanks so much for your help,

Jeff Mulligan ====================================

Every day these emails go out and every day I get valuable information. To me, finding out why people buy is more important than why they don't. (although I try to find that out, too) That's because there are so many reasons a person may not buy, many of which are beyond my control.

But knowing what turns on buyers is a huge benefit to me as I fine tunerepparttar 116463 copy. For example, here are some ofrepparttar 116464 comments I get:

**** The Results Provide Great Customer Insight ****

“I read allrepparttar 116465 info and I likedrepparttar 116466 fact that I did not have to create a web site and a bunch of other stuff. I am new to internet marketing as well as being technically illiterate but I figure I can follow instructions forrepparttar 116467 most part and you offerrepparttar 116468 support I will need.”

“Personalized autoresponder and newsletter.”

“Reason: The eBook, 10 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You Money, made good marketing sense... Alsorepparttar 116469 products on ClickBank - CBmall are terrific and good sellers....”

“I found your ad at”

“I first heard of CBmall from your newsletter which I subscribed to in December but was not convinced. My next step was to getrepparttar 116470 10 Powerful Ways CBmall makes you money. This made things much clearer. The number of products available is impressive. The targeted traffic that is shared amongst owners is a useful bonus. The guarantee means no risk, which is essential as I am on a small pension.”

**** What You Can Learn ****

OK let's look at this small sample to see what I can learn from it.

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