Don't Forget About Offline Advertising

Written by John Smith

A lot of online based businesses forget about offline advertising. It is important to combine offline and online advertising together in your marketing campaign. You can market offline more effectively by targeting people that actually have access torepparttar internet. In all your advertising you want to include your web site address, e-mail or autoresponder addresses, andrepparttar 100746 e-mail address to subscribe to your e-zine. Below are 10 offline marketing ideas:

-Place classified or full page ads in print publications. The print publications should be computer or internet related.

-Post flyers in stores. They could be computer stores, software stores, libraries etc.

-Buy mailing lists and send direct mail. You should make sure that allrepparttar 100747 people onrepparttar 100748 mailing list are internet users.

-Buy commercial time on T.V. They can be during shows that are targeted toward internet users.

-Pass out your CD-ROM or diskette business cards at special events. It could be at trade shows, seminars, fairs, etc.

Ten Tall Tales of Traditional Marketing # 1

Written by Jimmy Vee

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"Ten Tall Tales of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons" Tall Tale #1 - Advertising Sells Products By Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller

Advertising. We've all tried it at least once. Forrepparttar 100747 purpose of this discussion, let's define advertising as any form of marketing one pays for. From business cards, flyers, and mailers to billboards, TV spots, and newspaper display ads. Advertising is everywhere. And almost every business inrepparttar 100748 world can benefit from it somehow.

The problem with advertising lies in its traditional placement inrepparttar 100749 marketing cycle. Advertising usually occurs after a product or service has been conceived, designed, implemented, and even consumed - and then only when sales aren't as expected. Advertising is generally used as a surface treatment…a marketing salve. Your product won't sell itself? Nobody's using your service? Just do a little advertising and things should turn around. Not likely.

Forrepparttar 100750 last 50 years this has beenrepparttar 100751 primary approach of advertisers and agencies alike. For many years it worked. But now, traditional advertising media are dying a slow death. In 1960, it was possible to reach 90% of housewives in one week by placing ads onrepparttar 100752 3 TV networks. In 1994repparttar 100753 average household had less than 30 TV channels. Today,repparttar 100754 average home enjoys more than 100. Newspaper readership is down, XFM radio technology is creeping in,repparttar 100755 Internet has becomerepparttar 100756 primary information resource for many Americans, and there are more niche magazines than ever. Market segmentation is occurring at an historical rate just asrepparttar 100757 number of marketing messages we see each day is. According to market positioning expert Jack Trout,repparttar 100758 average American is exposed to 4,000 marketing messages per day.

So, it's harder than ever to reach a mass audience andrepparttar 100759 impact of a single advertising message is decreasing asrepparttar 100760 number of marketing interruptions per day increases. That doesn't paint a happy picture forrepparttar 100761 future of advertising. Or does it?

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