Don't Envy The Gurus - Be One!

Written by Paula Morrow

Who says you don't have what it takes to be a guru? True, there are so many self-proclaimed gurus online these days, it seems extremely crowded.

But this applies to only a few areas, like Internet marketing. Who's to say you couldn't become 'the expert' in a more specialized niche?

If you think about it, you'll realize that you probably already haverepparttar knowledge inside you. Get ready to unleashrepparttar 108977 guru within!

Atrepparttar 108978 beginning, position yourself as a knowledgeable source on your subject, who is willing to share his/her information with others. Offer free information on discussion boards and forums.

Any ofrepparttar 108979 following will fitrepparttar 108980 'free information' bill:

A free report dealing with a want or need, showcasing your expertise/ information, and how it can fill a void or fix a problem.

General instructions on how to do something of interest to your niche (in doll making, for example, this could include easy techniques to prepare a porcelain head mold, working with kilns or general instructions on easy techniques to customize a dress pattern)

Spread The Word on Your Guru Status

A guru isn't shy about spreadingrepparttar 108981 word about himself/herself. Don't you be, either! Few things draw new business likerepparttar 108982 offering of a new product or service by a guru.

So how can you spreadrepparttar 108983 word quickly? Tryrepparttar 108984 following:

* Press Releases. You can distribute these through online resources and off. Some online sources to investigate include:

Be The Brand!

Written by Paula Morrow

Quick - what do you think of when you think of Nike? The swoop symbol, right? Disney: Mickey Mouse, Disney Land/Disney World and Cinderella's Castle.

Now, think Corey Rudl...the Internet Marketing Center; Ken Evoy...Make My ___ Sell products; Allan Gardyne... associate programs.

These are much more than products... these are brands and brand identities.

Have you thought about how you will brand yourself through your business?

Now, a lot ofrepparttar experts emphasizerepparttar 108976 importance of your unique selling proposition (USP) inrepparttar 108977 equation. Granted, USP is a key element in building your brand.

But it's notrepparttar 108978 total picture.

If Nike had concentrated its corporate philosophy on only producing a top-quality running shoe, how different do you thinkrepparttar 108979 company would be today?

As we all are know, Nike is much more than a shoe company. It's a sports brand: a sports promoter, a shoe and clothing company, a retail store. It closely identifies its brand with winners fromrepparttar 108980 world of sports (Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan, for example).

Their goal - for you to feel that by using Nike products you too can succeed. Or at least look like your heroes. The Walt Disney Company is famous (infamous really) for its religious zeal in enforcing it's clean, wholesome, family image.

Having grown up outside Disney World in Florida, I saw firsthandrepparttar 108981 steps that Disney took to enforce their strict standards (appearance, customer service, etc.),repparttar 108982 real-world tests they put their employees through. Andrepparttar 108983 payoff? Billions.

Everything is planned to protectrepparttar 108984 branding ofrepparttar 108985 Walt Disney Company as a fun, safe, family-oriented organization.

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