Don't Be a Browse and Run Victim

Written by Robert Olson

Do you get a fair amount of traffic? Maybe, you are getting thousands of hits each day but your visitors are leaving empty handed. If this sounds like your website, you could be a Browse and Run Victim! With little or no sales, you know what it means. You risk losing everything you have invested and for some that can be alot. You can fix that browse and run problem with just a few sales making strategies. Most people believe they have a really great website and sometimes, they have every imaginable bell and whistle. Some people have what they feel are very professional looking sites. When visitors arrive, they begin telling them all about their company in great detail. These sites can be very business looking but with sales at a trickle. Then there are some people who are real pros at getting great search engine rankings. They may bring visitors in byrepparttar thousands but they are still unable to make those needed sales. Do you feel that you are a Browse and Run Victim? It is so frustrating when you can almost hearrepparttar 132006 clicks as your visitors leave only moments after arriving. It leaves a person wondering why sales are so low and that's what we need to take a good hard look at. To help solve this problem, let's examinerepparttar 132007 visitor andrepparttar 132008 site where sales are no problem! People generally arrive at a site withrepparttar 132009 aid of a search engine, some form of advertising or maybe a signature file. The person who buys, has immediately found what they came for. Fromrepparttar 132010 time they arrived, benefits ofrepparttar 132011 product or service filledrepparttar 132012 air, pumping their desire to buy. More minor benefits with a call to action of..... 'buy now' filledrepparttar 132013 visitors head. A link to a company information page gaverepparttar 132014 visitor some background and contact information. With added confidence, security andrepparttar 132015 desire to buy built in

Ideas For A Successful Website

Written by Terri Seymour

There are many things to consider when you want to put up a website. First you must decide onrepparttar topic for your website. This should be something that you are very interested in and passionate about. Building and maintaining a website takes time and work.

An important thing to remember when you are designing your website is that you want a clean professional look. It might be pretty if your site looks like a Las Vegas nightclub act, but your visitors will probably get confused and lost inrepparttar 132004 glitter and go onto another site. You want a clean, uniform design on all pages which should also be easy to navigate. Visit a few sites and see how they are set up and take notice of which ones you can easily find your way in and which ones you easily get lost in. Visit these sites for more information:

Another thing you want to do is to provide quality, helpful information and content in your website. Once you have a visitor to your site, you want him to have a reason to come back. If you have a website about pets, put up articles on petcare and have links to other websites that contain resources for pet owners. Here are a couple of sites to find articles on any subject:

There are also article announcement lists such as:

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