Domain Naming for Prosperity

Written by Pavel Lenshin

Domain Naming for Prosperity. copyright (c) by Pavel Lenshin

Too little has been told. The things that I’ve heard make it even worse. Better nothing, then worse.

Tell me your Domain name and I will tell you how successful you are.

Forrepparttar last couple of months I’ve heard many arguments claiming that my domain name should be based on keywords relevancy, you web-site focused on. Let me ask you why?

The answer is obvious, these SE “experts” project that this tactic will help to raise your Web-site SE ranking on several positions up. In other words, they advise me to pick up a name for my whole Internet Business as well as my Web-Site, withrepparttar 108295 only aim to have a chance to suite, trick or cheat SEs. Wow, I must be hating my own business!

Let me ask you another question: why there is Coca-Cola instead of Candy Water or Mercedes Benz instead of Comfortable Car? Do you still want to name your eBook selling Web-Site something similar to instead of a real Brand name for your business? Don’t you know why there is, and instead of, or Imagine that you are a real car manufacturer. Are you going to name your car “Fast Car” or give some really unique name?

I may guarantee you that these keyword tricks will bring you nowhere. While keyword based domain name or other tactics like expressive use of

tags instead of

may raiserepparttar 108296 relevancy for that particular keyword inrepparttar 108297 short-term prospective, you cannot rely on these tricks forever, because if you do, other guy will outsmart you simply by having more web-pages with more valuable information and your

tags along with white text on white background tricks won’t help.

Don’t forget also that SE indexing algorithms are constantly changing and what proved to working yesterday, may not work today.

Besides HTML code may be easily changed, bad domain name cannot, at least, for a year, so you had better give your business a domain name it deserves, with a strong Brand and USP fromrepparttar 108298 very beginning! There is no brand in “eBook Selling Site” or “Best Search Engine Traffic”, no one will ever remember you! So be smart and choserepparttar 108299 right name for your e-business. Done with that!

2. Next. No arguments that your business name should be relatively short. Your domain name does not differ, it should berepparttar 108300 same or even shorter. If your domain consists of three or more words try to use appropriate acronyms or abbreviations. Don’t suggest you to use “hyphens”, “misspellings” or “numbers” (if your official business name doesn’t have them). These “eye-soaping” won’t positively influence your business image also.

"New Trend Shows Domain Branding More Important Than Ever Before."

Written by Wayne Ford

On Feb. 6th, 2003, websidestory Inc., [], a web analyzation company released a report showing thatrepparttar majority of websites are now visited by direct navigation, instead of using search engines and web links.

Direct Web Navigation is when a visitor locates a site by typingrepparttar 108294 domain directly intorepparttar 108295 browser or from a using a bookmark.

According to, in 2/2001 48.14% of sites were found through direct navigation andrepparttar 108296 other 51.85% through search engines and weblinks.

As of 2/2003 that percentage has risen to 64.43% and only 35.55% were found through search engines and links.

This study however does not diminishrepparttar 108297 importance of search engines and links for initially finding a website.

But it does give evidence that a domain and site that a visitor is able to remember will be returned to directly inrepparttar 108298 future.

Note I said ‘able to remember’ and not ‘worth remembering.’ Sure your site should be of such value that it is worth remembering, but if you don’t have that solid brandable domain that sticks inrepparttar 108299 brain like glue than it won’t matter.

How many times have you wanted to return to a cool site, but couldn’t rememberrepparttar 108300 domain to get their? Of course you could search for it at a search engine, but this takes more time and effort. The more steps you put in front of your prospects,repparttar 108301 less likely your site is to be found.

This is why domain branding is so important. For a very low investment any online business hasrepparttar 108302 power to intensely leverage their marketing.

Think about it. Your Domain name isrepparttar 108303 most important marketing tool you have. Your domain isrepparttar 108304 first thing your audience sees and your first chance to generate a response from a consumer. Do they visit or move on? This decision is hugely impacted byrepparttar 108305 effectiveness of your domain.

The entire basis of marketing is getting someone's attention and your domain must do just that. It becomes extremely powerful to use a brandable domain name to leverage your marketing torepparttar 108306 maximum.

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